

The literary genre most directly associated with science and technology is, of course, science fiction, which fans of science fiction love to read for its detailed descriptions of science and technology and its many, often accurate, predic…

In order to explore literary works more deeply, we devised two things.(i) I recorded the content of each class and made sure to keep a notebook.(ii) I studied all the derivatives of English words and tried to analyze their meanings in deta…

Q1 I am eating candy.Q2 I turn right on the road.Q3 It suddenly started to rain.Q4 I draw a circle in my notebook.Q5 The king of the castle.Q6 The sound of the piano.Q7 Going down the stairs.Q8 A woman lights a fire with a match.Q9 A croco…

It is very easy to reacquire the art of seeing the world around you. It takes practice and breaking a few bad habits, but reacquiring the art of seeing the world around you is easy. And "reacquire" is also the right word. Many of us were p…


歴史を振り返ってみると,これまで多くの時代の庶民は、 自分の住んでいる地 域から出られず, 職業も選べず 多様な文化や芸術に触れられなかったどころ か読み書きさえ満足にできず, 生きて子どもを残していくために厳しい労働を して、 現代人よりずっと早く…