

暴力的なゲームは反対であるか、賛成であるか?50文字英語 Violent video games have long been a controversial topic. Some argue that they desensitize players to violence and promote aggressive behavior, while others argue that they are harmles…

英語 小論文2

全日本人大学生が英語を勉強すべきだという考えに賛成か反対か。本文で述べられている考えについて一部論じるべきだが、自分自身の経験も書きなさい。できるだけ多くの理由を挙げなさい。英語70文字。 I think it is a good idea for Japanese university st…

英語 小論文

リベラルアーツと実用的な専攻科目との比較をした長文を読んだ上で、将来どちらがより重要な分野となるかを英語で述べる(文字指定は70-100 words) In the long run, a liberal arts education may be more beneficial than a practical specialized subjec…

We received your inquiry about returning the Smoothie Blender. We are sorry that the product was not satisfactory. Once the item is returned, we will give you a refund for the full purchase price. Thank you for inquiring about our water sp…


You are invited to Wilson Associates' 3rd Annual Company Outdoor Social. The event will be held on June 12 from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm at the Baker Sports Complex. Please consider donating items that can be used during the sporting activities…

Have you seen my keys? Oh, no, not again. It seems like you lose your keys every day. Don't get angry just helped me find them. Where did you put them? If I knew that they wouldn't be lost, would they? Well, I don't know where you put them…


deep in the tunnels of the London Underground, as in many subway systems around the world, it's so hot it feels like hell. And yet in a basement only a few meters away, a boiler is firing to heat water for someone's shower. rather than ste…


off the coast of Western Australia, three big beliefs floating beneath the ocean surface look like giant jellyfish tethered to the sea floor. The steel machines 36 feet wide are buffeted by the powerful waves of the Indian Ocean. By harnes…


what do Sherlock Holmes and Albert Einstein have in common? Both were extraordinary thinkers. One a fictional genius, the other a real genius, curious, original and brilliant, and both were amateur violinists. The link between these aspect…


every day a small miracle occurs without anyone paying the slightest attention. At breakfast, lunch and supper 10s of millions of French people decide to gather around a table at the same time in order to share a meal, as if some invisible…


is it an accident that no white runner has managed to break the 10 second barrier in approved wind conditions, there is definitely a psychological barrier. The huge bias in the figures has fueled a debate as to whether black West Africans …


Before, the brain is the most complicated organ in the known universe, it is estimated that the brain has 100 billion nerve cells and more connections in it than there are stars in the universe. Even though the brain consists of only about…


we know some of the tricks for teaching kids to become high achievers. For example, research suggests that when parents praise effort rather than ability, children develop a stronger work ethic and become more motivated. Yet success is not…


messy or tidy, which is better. Historically, the evidence has favored the tidy camp. Cleanliness, as the proverb says, is next to godliness. The anthropologist Mary Douglas noted almost 50 years ago, a connection between clean open spaces…

I remember my first boss at J. Walter Thompson and advertising agency gave me a big piece of advice with my first race. He said, Congratulations, Mike, what I have to warn you, the richer you get, the more you worry about being poor. He sp…


The literary genre most directly associated with science and technology is, of course, science fiction, which fans of science fiction love to read for its detailed descriptions of science and technology and its many, often accurate, predic…

In order to explore literary works more deeply, we devised two things.(i) I recorded the content of each class and made sure to keep a notebook.(ii) I studied all the derivatives of English words and tried to analyze their meanings in deta…

Q1 I am eating candy.Q2 I turn right on the road.Q3 It suddenly started to rain.Q4 I draw a circle in my notebook.Q5 The king of the castle.Q6 The sound of the piano.Q7 Going down the stairs.Q8 A woman lights a fire with a match.Q9 A croco…

It is very easy to reacquire the art of seeing the world around you. It takes practice and breaking a few bad habits, but reacquiring the art of seeing the world around you is easy. And "reacquire" is also the right word. Many of us were p…


歴史を振り返ってみると,これまで多くの時代の庶民は、 自分の住んでいる地 域から出られず, 職業も選べず 多様な文化や芸術に触れられなかったどころ か読み書きさえ満足にできず, 生きて子どもを残していくために厳しい労働を して、 現代人よりずっと早く…

問題01 相手が誰であれ容赦しない問題02 あの地域でまた古墳が発見された問題03 意外にも彼を擁護する意見が多い問題04 自然災害の脅威にさらされる問題05 彼はわが社の顧問だ問題06 パソコンでウェブページを閲覧する問題07 負けて悔しい思いをする問題08 …

https://ondoku3.com/ja/ 問題01 けが人を介抱する 問題02 敵を迎撃する 問題03 新たな分野を開拓する 問題04 余暇を有意義に使う 問題05 彼には到底追いつけそうもない問題06 この企画は今回の趣旨には合わない問題07 友人の家で夕食を勧められた問題08 突…


A statue is unveiled today. A volcano emits fire and smoke. The view from the rooftop was great. There is a tax exemption when you buy perfume at the duty free store. The new road will benefit the people living in the hills. Mary promised …


Over the past 20 years, more and more individuals have been buying locally produced food because it is better for both people's health and the environment. Seeing these benefits, some retirement homes in the United States have switched fro…

The increasing casualization of local government employees is making it difficult to maintain public services. Their take-home pay is less than 140,000 yen. The number of non-regular and temporary workers is increasing in all industries, a…


Behind the door is the safest place to avoid her gaze. I gave him a watch.I helped her walk.I left my wallet on the train.In this room he began to talk about his ex-wife.He proved his innocence.He proved an honest man.He proved himself to …