英語 小論文2


I think it is a good idea for Japanese university students to study English. It is a widely spoken language and can be useful for international communication and opportunities. Additionally, many academic papers and resources are in English, so being able to read and understand them can be beneficial for research and study. In my own experience, studying English has improved my ability to communicate with people from different countries and access a broader range of information.

今年日本の小学校で英語授業の拡充がされた。そういった幼い年齢で英語で外国語を学ぶのは良いことか。(英語80 〜100 words)


It is generally a good idea for young children to begin learning a second language at a young age. Children's brains are more receptive to language learning at a young age, and starting to learn a language early can lead to better proficiency in the future. Additionally, being exposed to a second language at a young age can help children develop cognitive skills and can even improve their performance in their native language. However, it is important for the language instruction to be age-appropriate and engaging, and for the children to have adequate support and resources to help them succeed.


Japan is experiencing a declining population, which can lead to challenges such as a shrinking workforce and increased pressure on social welfare systems. Here are two ideas that could help Japan prepare for these challenges:

Encouraging higher fertility rates: One way to address the declining population is to encourage people to have more children. This could involve providing support for families, such as better access to childcare and parental leave, as well as increasing awareness of the importance of having children and the challenges of an aging society.
Attracting and retaining immigrants: Another way to address the declining population is to encourage immigration to Japan. This could involve making it easier for skilled workers and their families to move to Japan, as well as providing support for immigrants to integrate into Japanese society. This could help Japan maintain a stable and growing population and address labor shortages in certain industries.


If I were a super wealthy person and decided to use my money to benefit society, I would consider investing in various causes and initiatives that address important issues such as poverty, education, and healthcare. I would also consider supporting organizations that work to protect the environment and promote sustainability. Additionally, I would look for ways to use my wealth and influence to create opportunities and support for marginalized communities and individuals. Overall, I would strive to use my money in a responsible and strategic way to make a positive impact on society.



There are many skills that are important for success in society. Some of the most important ones include:

Communication skills: Being able to effectively communicate with others is crucial for building relationships, collaborating with others, and expressing ideas.
Problem-solving skills: The ability to analyze problems and find solutions is essential for navigating challenges and making progress.
Emotional intelligence: The ability to understand and manage emotions is crucial for building positive relationships and managing stress.
Leadership skills: The ability to inspire and guide others is important for driving change and achieving goals.
Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing circumstances and learn new things is essential for success in a constantly evolving world.
Creativity: The ability to think outside the box and generate new ideas is important for driving innovation and progress.


To make my hometown more appealing to international travelers, I would highlight its unique cultural attractions, such as local festivals, art, and cuisine. I would also focus on promoting its natural beauty, such as scenic hiking trails and parks. Additionally, I would work on improving the quality and availability of accommodations and transportation options for travelers. Overall, my goal would be to showcase the charm and character of my hometown to attract more international visitors.

若者が自分よりはるかに年上の人(much older people)とコミュニケーションするとき心に留めておくべき最も重要なことは何だと思うか?(英語120文字)

When communicating with much older people, I think it is important to show respect and empathy. This means listening carefully to what they have to say, trying to understand their perspective, and being patient and polite. It is also important to avoid making assumptions or stereotypes about older people, and to recognize and value the experiences and wisdom they have to offer. Overall, I think the most important thing when communicating with older people is to approach them with an open mind and a willingness to learn from them.



I think that working part-time while attending university in Japan can be a beneficial experience for students. It can provide them with the opportunity to earn extra money to support themselves financially, gain valuable work experience, and develop important skills such as time management and teamwork.

Additionally, working part-time can also help students gain a better understanding of the industry they are interested in pursuing after graduation. It can provide them with the chance to network and make connections within their chosen field, which can be helpful in securing future job opportunities.

Furthermore, working part-time can also be a good way for students to take a break from their studies and engage in activities outside of their academic work. It can help them to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent burnout.

Overall, I believe that working part-time while attending university in Japan can be a positive experience for students. It can provide them with various benefits that can help them both personally and professionally.

近年, 紛争や自然災害などによる食料不足が問題化している一方で, 食品ロス(food loss)の問題が世界的に議論されている。国連によると, 2015年には生産された食材の約3分の1が廃棄されている。日本でも, 2015年には646万トンもの食品が廃棄されたと報告されている。この食品ロスの問題を解決にするにはどうしたらよいか。複数の解決策とそれらの根拠を200文字程度の英語で述べなさい。

One potential solution to the problem of food loss is to increase food donation programs. By partnering with organizations that can distribute surplus food to those in need, such as food banks and charities, food producers and retailers can help reduce food waste while also providing valuable support to those who may be struggling to access enough food.

Another solution is to implement better food waste management practices throughout the food supply chain. This could include reducing excess production, improving storage and transportation methods, and educating consumers about the importance of reducing food waste.

Additionally, implementing food waste reduction targets and incentives for businesses and individuals could also help to address the problem. This could include providing financial incentives for businesses that successfully reduce their food waste, or implementing policies that aim to reduce food waste at the consumer level.

Overall, there are many potential solutions to the problem of food loss. By implementing a combination of these strategies, we can work towards reducing food waste and ensuring that surplus food is used to feed those in need.

日本の大学生の読書時間の推移を表したグラフより1日の平均読書時間が減少傾向にあることがわかる。この現象について, 下記の指示に従い英語200字で。 ※ 解かずに雰囲気を確認して


Based on the graph, it appears that the average amount of time that Japanese university students spend reading per day has been decreasing. There could be several reasons for this trend.

One possible explanation is that students are facing increasing academic demands and may not have as much time to devote to reading for leisure. With the growing pressure to succeed academically, students may be focusing more on studying and completing assignments, leaving less time for reading.

Another potential reason for the decrease in reading time could be the rise of digital media and the increasing availability of entertainment options. With so many distractions available on the internet and social media, students may be spending more of their free time engaging with these platforms, rather than reading books.

Additionally, the rise of mobile devices and the increasing use of technology in daily life may also be contributing to the decline in reading time. With smartphones and other devices providing access to a wide range of information and entertainment, students may be spending more time using these devices, which could be taking away from their reading time.

Overall, the decrease in reading time among Japanese university students may be a result of a combination of factors, including increased academic demands, the rise of digital media, and the increasing use of technology.

グローバルな協力を行うにあたって支障となる「違い」を言語以外から1つえらび, それがどんな問題を生じさせるのかを説明した上で, その問題をどのように解決したらよいかまでを200語程度の英語で具体的に述べよ。

One potential barrier to global cooperation is cultural differences. These differences can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications, which can impede the ability of individuals and organizations to work effectively together.

For example, cultural differences in business practices and communication styles can cause misunderstandings and lead to conflicts between colleagues and partners from different countries. For instance, in some cultures, it is common to be direct and straightforward in communication, while in others, indirectness and politeness are more important. These differences can lead to misunderstandings and make it difficult for individuals from different cultural backgrounds to communicate and work together effectively.

To address this problem, it is important for individuals and organizations to be aware of and respectful of cultural differences. This can involve educating themselves about the cultural practices and norms of others, being open to learning from and adapting to different ways of doing things, and making an effort to communicate clearly and effectively.

Additionally, utilizing tools such as cross-cultural training and language translation services can also help to bridge cultural gaps and facilitate global cooperation. By investing in these resources, individuals and organizations can improve their ability to work together effectively and overcome cultural barriers.

Overall, cultural differences can pose a challenge to global cooperation. By being aware of and respectful of these differences, and utilizing tools such as cross-cultural training and language translation services, individuals and organizations can work together more effectively and overcome these challenges.



Whether or not robots should be used to replace human workers is a complex and contentious issue. On one hand, robots can be more efficient and cost-effective than human workers in some cases. They do not need to take breaks, can work 24/7, and do not require salary or benefits. Additionally, robots can be more precise and accurate in performing certain tasks, such as assembly line work or tasks that require repetitive movements.

However, on the other hand, there are also many compelling arguments against using robots to replace human workers. For one, the widespread adoption of robots could lead to significant job losses, particularly in industries that rely heavily on human labor. This could have severe economic consequences, as many people may struggle to find new employment opportunities, leading to increased poverty and inequality.

Additionally, there are also ethical concerns to consider. While robots do not have the same needs and desires as humans, they are still capable of performing complex tasks and can be programmed to make decisions. As such, there are questions about whether it is ethical to treat them as mere tools, rather than as sentient beings.

Ultimately, whether or not robots should be used to replace human workers will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific industry, the impact on workers and the economy, and ethical considerations. It is important for society to carefully weigh the pros and cons of using robots in the workforce and make decisions based on a thorough understanding of the potential consequences.


There are both arguments in favor of and against implementing daylight saving time, also known as summer time.

One argument in favor of daylight saving time is that it can help to reduce energy consumption. By extending daylight hours in the evening, people are less likely to use artificial lighting, which can save electricity. This can have positive environmental and financial benefits, as reducing energy consumption can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower energy costs for households and businesses.

Another argument in favor of daylight saving time is that it can promote outdoor activities and support the local economy. With longer daylight hours in the evenings, people may be more likely to engage in outdoor activities, such as sports, gardening, or dining at outdoor restaurants. This can help to support local businesses and promote a sense of community.

However, there are also arguments against implementing daylight saving time. One of the main arguments is that it can disrupt people's natural sleep patterns and lead to negative health effects. By changing the clock twice a year, people's sleep schedules can be disrupted, which can lead to increased fatigue and decreased productivity. Additionally, there is also evidence that changing the clock can increase the risk of traffic accidents and heart attacks.

Overall, there are both pros and cons to implementing daylight saving time. While it can have some benefits, such as reducing energy consumption and promoting outdoor activities, it can also lead to negative health effects and disrupt people's sleep patterns. As such, the decision to implement daylight saving time will ultimately depend on the specific context and the potential trade-offs involved.

原発を廃止し, 再生可能エネルギーを利用すべきか。賛成と反対の意見 英語80文字。