In order to explore literary works more deeply, we devised two things.
(i) I recorded the content of each class and made sure to keep a notebook.
(ii) I studied all the derivatives of English words and tried to analyze their meanings in detail.

What I learned.

The accumulation of small efforts will eventually lead to big results.


My strength is my light footwork. For example, in my job search, I gather information on industry research seminars, joint company information sessions, and individual company information sessions, and attend them every day. sometimes I visit two or three information sessions a day. Currently, I visit a total of 80 companies and actively ask questions to employees. Among these companies, your company is the one I find most attractive. I would like to utilize this "lightness of footwork" and become an employee who sells to dozens of companies every day at your company.


I attended your company's information session and became very interested in the mission and responsibility of MRs, who can save patients through doctors. I also wanted to work for your company because your training is the most rigorous and I felt that I could grow as a person and feel a sense of fulfillment from it.

I would like to continue to grow by deepening my knowledge of pharmaceuticals and never neglecting to gather the information that customers need. I will take responsibility for my work, no matter how demanding the schedule.

I would like to work in the wholesale sector. I would like to not only work on projects, but also get into the pockets of companies to get new consulting methods and tips for new products.

Through my part-time job experience, I realized that "I feel fulfilled when people are pleased with my work. Through my job search, I would like to "handle life insurance, which is a part of people's lives, and contribute to the secure lives of many people. I also want to grow with a sense of speed through large, responsible work.