

Violent video games have long been a controversial topic. Some argue that they desensitize players to violence and promote aggressive behavior, while others argue that they are harmless forms of entertainment. I believe that violent games should be opposed because they can have a negative impact on individuals and society.


Violent video games can be a form of harmless entertainment and can even have positive effects such as stress release. Studies have shown that playing violent games does not lead to real-world aggression. Therefore, I believe that violent games should not be opposed and should be available for those who enjoy them as a form of entertainment.


It is not necessary for English to be the only official language in Japan. In fact, having multiple official languages can be beneficial for a country in terms of communication and cultural diversity. It is important for a country to recognize and support the use of multiple languages in order to promote inclusivity and accommodate the needs of its diverse population.



In my opinion, junk food and sugary drink advertising should not be allowed. These products are unhealthy and can contribute to a variety of health problems, including obesity and diabetes. Allowing their promotion only encourages people to consume them, which is not in the best interest of public health. Instead, we should focus on promoting healthy, balanced diets and encouraging people to make healthy choices.

アパートの規則に違反しているのに隣人が犬を飼っているのが分かったら, 何をしますか。120文字英語。

If I discovered that my neighbor was keeping a dog in their apartment in violation of the building's rules, I would first try to talk to them about it. I would explain the situation and ask them to either remove the dog or find a new place to live where they are allowed to have a pet. If they were unwilling to cooperate, I would then contact the building's management and inform them of the situation. It is important to follow the rules of the building to ensure that everyone can live together peacefully and comfortably.


Pets should be treated like family members.(ペットは家族のように扱われるべきか)


I believe that pets should be treated like family members. They are living beings that deserve love, care, and respect. Just like family members, pets can bring joy and companionship to our lives. They can also help reduce stress and improve our mental and physical health. Taking care of a pet requires a commitment, but the rewards of having a furry friend in our lives are well worth it. Treating pets like family members means giving them the best possible care and ensuring that they are happy and healthy.


When you become a college student, the best way to maintain a balance between studying and your personal life is to create a schedule and stick to it. This will allow you to set aside dedicated time for both studying and personal activities, and can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed or burnt out. It's also important to prioritize your well-being, and to make time for things like exercise, relaxation, and socializing with friends and family. These activities can help you stay healthy and happy, which can in turn improve your focus and productivity when it comes to your studies.


One of the most interesting classes I've ever taken was a course on ancient Greek history. I found the subject to be fascinating, and the professor was incredibly knowledgeable and engaging. He brought the material to life with vivid stories and examples, and made the ancient world feel relevant and exciting. I also enjoyed the discussions and debates in class, as well as the group projects and presentations. Overall, it was a fantastic learning experience that I would highly recommend to others.
If I had a super power, I would want the ability to teleport. I would use this power to travel anywhere in the world instantly, and to explore new places and cultures. It would also be useful for avoiding traffic, getting to appointments on time, and helping others in emergency situations. I would use it responsibly, and only for the greater good.

In the future, I hope to have a career in the field of environmental science. To prepare for this, I plan to study hard in school and take relevant courses, such as biology, chemistry, and earth science. I also plan to gain practical experience through internships and research projects. I am also considering joining a club or organization related to the environment, to network with others who share my interests and to learn more about the field. By taking these steps, I hope to gain the knowledge and skills I need to succeed in my future career.

One of the cities I would most like to visit is Paris, France. I have always been captivated by the city's rich history and culture, and I would love the opportunity to see famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre in person. I am also interested in trying the local cuisine, and experiencing the city's vibrant nightlife. Additionally, I have always been drawn to the romance and beauty of the French language, and I would love the opportunity to practice and improve my skills. Overall, I think Paris would be an amazing and unforgettable place to visit.
Going to the beach and going to the mountains both have their own unique charms. The beach offers the opportunity to relax in the sun, swim in the ocean, and enjoy a variety of outdoor activities. The sound of the waves and the feel of the sand between your toes can be incredibly soothing, and the beach is a great place to socialize with friends and family. In contrast, the mountains offer a sense of adventure and exhilaration. The fresh air and breathtaking views can be invigorating, and the challenge of hiking or climbing can be rewarding. Whether you're looking to relax or to challenge yourself, the beach and the mountains can both provide an enjoyable and fulfilling vacation experience.

If I could build my ideal home, I would build it in the countryside, surrounded by nature. I would want the house to be spacious and open, with lots of windows to let in natural light and to provide beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. I would also want the house to be eco-friendly, with features like solar panels and energy-efficient appliances. Inside, I would want the house to be cozy and comfortable, with a fireplace, a large kitchen, and a home library. I would also want a home office, where I could work and focus on my projects in peace. Overall, my ideal home would be a place of beauty, comfort, and sustainability.

One of my earliest memories from childhood is of playing at the park with my friends. I remember it was a sunny day, and we were all running and laughing, having a great time. I remember the feeling of the grass beneath my feet, and the cool metal of the monkey bars as I swung across them. I also remember the thrill of going down the slide, and the joy of seeing my friends' smiling faces. It was a simple, carefree moment, but it's one that has stayed with me throughout the years.



One time when I felt that the world was unfair was when I didn't get accepted into the college of my choice. Despite my good grades and extracurricular activities, I was rejected, while some of my less qualified classmates were accepted. It was frustrating and disappointing, and it made me question the fairness of the admissions process. I felt like my hard work and effort didn't matter, and that the decision was based on factors outside of my control. It was a difficult and disheartening experience, but it taught me the importance of resilience and perseverance.


If I were to be born as an animal other than a human, I would want to be a dolphin. I find dolphins to be incredibly intelligent and graceful, and I admire their ability to communicate and cooperate with one another. I would also love the freedom and the sensation of swimming through the ocean, and the opportunity to explore the underwater world. Additionally, I think it would be fascinating to be a part of a dolphin pod, and to experience their social dynamics and culture. Overall, I think being a dolphin would be a truly unique and wonderful experience.


One time I was walking home from school and I came across a group of boys who were bullying a smaller boy. They were pushing him around and threatening him, and I could tell that he was scared and upset. I felt a surge of anger and concern, and I knew that I had to do something to help. I approached the boys and told them to stop, and I tried to talk to the victim to see if he was okay. The situation could have escalated, but luckily, the boys eventually backed off and left. It was a frightening and uncomfortable situation, but I'm glad that I was able to intervene and help.

今まで受け取ったプレゼントの中で, 一番印象に残っているものは何か。それはいつ誰からもらったものか。なぜ印象に残ってるか。【意見提示】英語120文字。

One of the most memorable gifts I've ever received was a handmade bracelet from my best friend. She made it herself, using beads and charms that she thought represented our friendship. She gave it to me on my birthday, and I was touched by her thoughtfulness and creativity. I still have the bracelet, and I wear it often. It reminds me of the special bond that we share, and of all the good times we've had together. It's a simple, but meaningful gift that I will always treasure.

好きな架空のキャラクターは何か。それはどんなキャラクターか説明し, なぜ好きなのか【意見提示】One of my favorite fictional characters is Harry Potter. He is a brave, kind, and intelligent young wizard who goes on incredible adventures and faces incredible challenges. I love his sense of humor and loyalty, and I admire his determination and courage. I also enjoy the rich and detailed world that J.K. Rowling has created, and the way that the story explores complex themes and ideas. Overall, I think Harry Potter is a dynamic and well-developed character who I can't help but admire and root for.

あなたが尊敬できる人物を1人挙げ, なぜそう思うのかできるだけ具体的に【意見提示】英語80文字。

One person that I admire is Mahatma Gandhi. He was a leader and a visionary who fought for the rights and freedoms of his people using peaceful methods. I admire his courage, his compassion, and his commitment to nonviolence. I also respect his ability to inspire and to bring people together, and his willingness to sacrifice his own needs for the greater good. His actions and his teachings have had a profound and lasting impact on the world, and I think he is a truly remarkable and inspiring figure.

自分が生まれる前の時代に戻れるとしたら, いつの時代に行き, どんなことがしたいか【仮定法】英語80文字。
If I could travel back in time, I would go to the Renaissance period. I am fascinated by the art, the culture, and the scientific and intellectual achievements of this era. I would love to see famous works of art like the Mona Lisa and the Sistine Chapel, and to witness historical events like the signing of the Magna Carta. I would also be interested in meeting and learning from famous figures of the time, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo. Overall, I think the Renaissance would be an amazing and enriching time period to visit.


身近にあるもののなかで, 素晴らしいと思う発明を一つ挙げ, その理由ともに英語80文字【意見提示】

One invention that I think is amazing is the smartphone. It is a device that fits in the palm of your hand, but it has the power to connect you to the world and to access an almost limitless amount of information and entertainment. It can also help you stay organized, communicate with others, and capture and share moments of your life. I think it's incredible how much technology and functionality can be packed into such a small and portable device. It has greatly improved our ability to stay connected and to access information, and it has become an essential part of our daily lives.




One spring memory I have is of going on a picnic with my family. We packed a basket with sandwiches, fruit, and drinks, and we spread out a blanket in a nearby park. The weather was warm and sunny, and the flowers were in bloom. We played games, flew kites, and enjoyed the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. It was a simple but enjoyable day, and it felt like the perfect way to welcome the start of spring.

In the summer, I remember going on a road trip with my friends. We piled into a car and drove to the beach, where we spent the day swimming, sunbathing, and exploring the local shops and restaurants. We also spent a night camping under the stars, and we had a great time roasting marshmallows and telling stories around the campfire. It was an adventure and a bonding experience, and it's a summer that I'll never forget.

One autumn memory I have is of going apple picking with my classmates. We traveled to an apple orchard, where we spent the day picking apples from the trees and trying different varieties. We also had the opportunity to try apple cider and apple donuts, which were delicious. It was a fun and educational outing, and it was a great way to experience the sights and flavors of the season.

In the winter, I remember going ice skating with my friends. We rented skates and spent the afternoon gliding across the ice and trying to do tricks. It was a cold but beautiful day, and the ice rink was decorated with holiday lights and ornaments. It was a fun and festive activity, and it was a great way to enjoy the winter weather. Overall, I have many happy memories of the different seasons, and I look forward to creating new ones in the future.


これまでにどんな失敗を経験したか。また, その失敗から何を学んだか。【意見提示】英語80文字。

One failure that I have experienced is failing a class in school. I didn't study hard enough and I didn't manage my time well, and as a result, I didn't do as well as I could have on exams and assignments. It was a frustrating and disappointing experience, but it taught me the importance of dedication and hard work. It also taught me the value of seeking help and support when I need it, and of being proactive and taking responsibility for my own learning. These lessons have helped me to become a better student, and to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.


買い物に行く時, 一人で行くのと誰かと一緒に行くのではどちらが好きかをその理由とともに。あるいは, 楽しい買い物と嫌な買い物を具体的に述べなさい。【意見提示】両方の意見を150文字英語。

I prefer to go shopping by myself because it gives me the freedom to shop at my own pace and to focus on the things that I want to buy. I can take my time, try things on, and compare prices without feeling rushed or pressured. I also enjoy the solitude and the opportunity to clear my head and relax. However, I also like to go shopping with friends or family because it can be a fun and social activity. I enjoy the company and the conversation, and it can be helpful to get a second opinion or to receive advice on what to buy.

As for enjoyable and unpleasant shopping experiences, one of the most enjoyable was when I found a great deal on a jacket that I had been wanting for a long time. I was able to get it at a much lower price than I expected, and I felt like I had scored a major victory. In contrast, one of the most unpleasant experiences was when I had to return something that I had bought online. The process was confusing and frustrating, and I ended up spending a lot of time and energy trying to get my money back. Overall, shopping can be a mixed bag, but I try to focus on the positive and to enjoy the experience.


あなたの思い出になっているか, あなたの好きな, あるいは嫌いな音楽や曲を1つ挙げ, 具体的に説明【意見提示】英語120文字。

One of my favorite songs is "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. I love the dramatic and epic quality of the song, and the way that it seamlessly blends different styles and moods. I also appreciate the clever and imaginative lyrics, and the powerful and emotive vocals of Freddie Mercury. Whenever I hear this song, it brings back memories of listening to it with my friends, and of singing along at the top of our lungs. It's a song that never fails to lift my spirits and to get me moving.


I think that having a driver's license is not necessarily essential for a college student. While having a license can be convenient and give you more freedom and flexibility, it is not always necessary, especially if you live in a city with good public transportation. Additionally, having a license can be expensive and time-consuming to obtain and maintain, and it can also be risky if you are a inexperienced or careless driver. In some cases, it may be better to rely on other forms of transportation, or to carpool or use ride-sharing services when you need to.

一番思い出に残る写真を1枚挙げ, それを具体的に説明【意見提示】英語120文字。

One of the most memorable photos I have is of my graduation day. In the photo, I am wearing my cap and gown, and I am holding my diploma with a big smile on my face. Behind me, my friends and family are cheering and clapping, and they are holding balloons and signs. The photo captures the excitement, the pride, and the accomplishment that I felt on that day. It also captures the support and the love that I received from my loved ones, and it is a reminder of the hard work and the sacrifice that went into achieving my degree. It is a special and meaningful photo that I will always treasure.

これまで経験した, 最も心に残る冒険は?【意見提示】(英語100文字)
One of the most memorable adventures I have experienced is a hiking trip that I took with some friends. We hiked for several days through a beautiful and remote mountain range, and we camped out under the stars at night. The scenery was breathtaking, and we saw wildlife and natural wonders that we had never seen before. We also faced challenges and obstacles, such as rough terrain and bad weather, but we worked together and supported each other, and we were able to overcome them. It was a thrilling and rewarding experience, and it taught me a lot about the power of friendship and the beauty of nature.


Sports play an important role in my life because they provide me with physical, mental, and social benefits. They help me to stay active and healthy, to challenge myself and to improve my skills, and to relieve stress and to relax. They also give me the opportunity to make friends and to be part of a community, and to enjoy the thrill of competition and the rush of victory. I think sports also play a valuable role in society because they promote fitness and well-being, they foster teamwork and cooperation, and they can bring people together and create a sense of unity and national pride.


ヒエログリフや英語のアルファベットを使った表記法と比較して, 日本語の表記法(漢字かな混じり表記)をどう思うか。それぞれの表記法のよいところ, 悪いところは何か。もし政府が, 表記法をすべてローマ字による表記に変えると提案したら, あなたはどのように感じるか。


I think the Japanese writing system, which combines kanji, hiragana, and katakana, is unique and interesting. The use of kanji allows for a rich and expressive vocabulary, and it also provides a link to the country's cultural and historical heritage. The use of hiragana and katakana allows for more phonetic and flexible spelling, and it makes it easier for non-native speakers to learn and read the language. However, the system can also be complex and difficult to master, and it can be challenging for people who are not familiar with kanji. If the government proposed changing the writing system to only use roman letters, I would be hesitant because I think it would lose some of the distinctiveness and richness of the language. However, I also recognize the potential benefits of using a more universal and standardized system, and I would be open to hearing more about the proposal and its potential advantages and disadvantages.

I think it is important to set aside some time each day to turn off electronic devices such as smartphones. This can help us to disconnect from the constant stream of information and distractions, and to take a break from the constant stimulation and stress that these devices can cause. It can also give us the opportunity to recharge and to refocus, and to engage in activities that are more restful and relaxing, such as reading, writing, or spending time with friends and family. By taking some time to disconnect, we can improve our mental and emotional health, and we can also improve our productivity and our ability to enjoy the present moment.

If I had to move to a faraway country, the most important thing I would bring with me is a sense of curiosity and openness. By being open-minded and willing to learn and explore, I can adapt to my new surroundings and to new experiences, and I can make the most of the opportunities that are available to me. I would also bring a sense of gratitude and appreciation, and a willingness to give back and to contribute to the local community. These attitudes and values can help me to form meaningful connections and relationships, and to make a positive impact in my new home.

 I think the most important thing to consider when choosing a future job is whether it aligns with your values, interests, and passions. By choosing a job that you are truly interested in and that aligns with your values, you are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and fulfilled in your work. You are also more likely to be successful and to make a positive impact in your field. Additionally, you should consider factors such as job security, opportunities for growth and advancement, and the work-life balance that the job offers. These factors can help to ensure that your job is not only fulfilling, but also practical and sustainable.

近年の異常気象で, 今後実施を見直す必要があると思われる行事について 

(100英語 words)
In recent years, there have been many instances of extreme and unusual weather, such as heatwaves, hurricanes, and wildfires. These events have caused significant damage and disruption, and they have highlighted the need for us to reevaluate and adapt our activities and practices in order to better prepare for and respond to such disasters. For example, we may need to review and update our emergency response plans, our building codes and standards, and our land use and development policies. We may also need to invest in more resilient infrastructure and technology, and to promote more sustainable and climate-friendly practices. By taking these steps, we can better protect our communities and our environment, and we can reduce the risks and the impacts of future extreme weather events.

もしあなたが教師なら, やる気のない学生に対してどのようにやる気を出させようとしますか。100語程度の英語で書きなさい。
If I were a teacher, I would try to motivate my students who lack motivation in several ways. First, I would try to understand their individual needs, interests, and goals, and to tailor my lessons and activities to match their preferences and abilities. This can help to make learning more engaging and relevant for them. I would also provide regular feedback and support, and to recognize and reward their achievements and progress. This can help to build their confidence and self-esteem, and to motivate them to continue to learn and grow. Additionally, I would foster a positive and supportive classroom environment, and to encourage collaboration and teamwork among my students. This can help to create a sense of belonging and community, and to motivate them to participate and contribute.
近年流行している電子媒体の書籍(electronic books)の長所と短所を考え, 100語程度の英語で書きなさい。

面接が苦手な人に対するよいアドバイスを考え, 100語程度の英語で書きなさい。 

 If you are someone who struggles with interviews, here are some tips that may help you to prepare and to perform well. First, research the company and the position that you are applying for, and try to understand their culture, their values, and their goals. This can help you to answer questions more accurately and confidently, and to show that you are a good fit for the company. Second, practice answering common interview questions, and try to anticipate the questions that the interviewer may ask. This can help you to be more prepared and to avoid being caught off-guard. Third, try to relax and to be yourself during the interview. Remember that the interviewer is trying to get to know you, and that they are interested in your skills, your experiences, and your perspectives. Finally, be sure to follow up after the interview, and to express your appreciation and your interest in the opportunity. This can help to keep the conversation going, and to demonstrate your commitment and your enthusiasm.

In Europe and North America, “anime” and “manga” have become representative of modern Japanese culture. Do you think that these are good representatives? Explain your opinion. 

I think that anime and manga are good representatives of modern Japanese culture, as they reflect the creativity, diversity, and uniqueness of Japanese culture. Anime and manga have a rich history and tradition, and they have evolved to encompass a wide range of genres, styles, and themes. They also have a global appeal, and they have gained a significant following among fans around the world. However, I also think that it is important to recognize that anime and manga are not the only forms of Japanese culture, and that there are many other aspects of Japanese culture that are equally rich and interesting. Therefore, I believe that it is important to explore and to appreciate the full range and depth of Japanese culture, and not just its anime and manga.



It is often said that international sports events, such as the Olympics and World Championships, contribute to international understanding and world peace. Do you agree or disagree with that opinion? Give reasons for your opinion. 


I agree with the opinion that international sports events, such as the Olympics and World Championships, contribute to international understanding and world peace. These events bring together athletes and fans from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds, and provide them with a platform to compete, to learn from each other, and to celebrate their achievements and their diversity. Through these events, participants and spectators can gain a better understanding of the world, and can develop a sense of shared humanity and common values. Furthermore, these events can also promote peaceful relations and cooperation among nations, and can help to create a more inclusive and harmonious global community. Therefore, I believe that international sports events are an important and valuable way to promote international understanding and world peace.

英語 小論文2


I think it is a good idea for Japanese university students to study English. It is a widely spoken language and can be useful for international communication and opportunities. Additionally, many academic papers and resources are in English, so being able to read and understand them can be beneficial for research and study. In my own experience, studying English has improved my ability to communicate with people from different countries and access a broader range of information.

今年日本の小学校で英語授業の拡充がされた。そういった幼い年齢で英語で外国語を学ぶのは良いことか。(英語80 〜100 words)


It is generally a good idea for young children to begin learning a second language at a young age. Children's brains are more receptive to language learning at a young age, and starting to learn a language early can lead to better proficiency in the future. Additionally, being exposed to a second language at a young age can help children develop cognitive skills and can even improve their performance in their native language. However, it is important for the language instruction to be age-appropriate and engaging, and for the children to have adequate support and resources to help them succeed.


Japan is experiencing a declining population, which can lead to challenges such as a shrinking workforce and increased pressure on social welfare systems. Here are two ideas that could help Japan prepare for these challenges:

Encouraging higher fertility rates: One way to address the declining population is to encourage people to have more children. This could involve providing support for families, such as better access to childcare and parental leave, as well as increasing awareness of the importance of having children and the challenges of an aging society.
Attracting and retaining immigrants: Another way to address the declining population is to encourage immigration to Japan. This could involve making it easier for skilled workers and their families to move to Japan, as well as providing support for immigrants to integrate into Japanese society. This could help Japan maintain a stable and growing population and address labor shortages in certain industries.


If I were a super wealthy person and decided to use my money to benefit society, I would consider investing in various causes and initiatives that address important issues such as poverty, education, and healthcare. I would also consider supporting organizations that work to protect the environment and promote sustainability. Additionally, I would look for ways to use my wealth and influence to create opportunities and support for marginalized communities and individuals. Overall, I would strive to use my money in a responsible and strategic way to make a positive impact on society.



There are many skills that are important for success in society. Some of the most important ones include:

Communication skills: Being able to effectively communicate with others is crucial for building relationships, collaborating with others, and expressing ideas.
Problem-solving skills: The ability to analyze problems and find solutions is essential for navigating challenges and making progress.
Emotional intelligence: The ability to understand and manage emotions is crucial for building positive relationships and managing stress.
Leadership skills: The ability to inspire and guide others is important for driving change and achieving goals.
Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing circumstances and learn new things is essential for success in a constantly evolving world.
Creativity: The ability to think outside the box and generate new ideas is important for driving innovation and progress.


To make my hometown more appealing to international travelers, I would highlight its unique cultural attractions, such as local festivals, art, and cuisine. I would also focus on promoting its natural beauty, such as scenic hiking trails and parks. Additionally, I would work on improving the quality and availability of accommodations and transportation options for travelers. Overall, my goal would be to showcase the charm and character of my hometown to attract more international visitors.

若者が自分よりはるかに年上の人(much older people)とコミュニケーションするとき心に留めておくべき最も重要なことは何だと思うか?(英語120文字)

When communicating with much older people, I think it is important to show respect and empathy. This means listening carefully to what they have to say, trying to understand their perspective, and being patient and polite. It is also important to avoid making assumptions or stereotypes about older people, and to recognize and value the experiences and wisdom they have to offer. Overall, I think the most important thing when communicating with older people is to approach them with an open mind and a willingness to learn from them.



I think that working part-time while attending university in Japan can be a beneficial experience for students. It can provide them with the opportunity to earn extra money to support themselves financially, gain valuable work experience, and develop important skills such as time management and teamwork.

Additionally, working part-time can also help students gain a better understanding of the industry they are interested in pursuing after graduation. It can provide them with the chance to network and make connections within their chosen field, which can be helpful in securing future job opportunities.

Furthermore, working part-time can also be a good way for students to take a break from their studies and engage in activities outside of their academic work. It can help them to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent burnout.

Overall, I believe that working part-time while attending university in Japan can be a positive experience for students. It can provide them with various benefits that can help them both personally and professionally.

近年, 紛争や自然災害などによる食料不足が問題化している一方で, 食品ロス(food loss)の問題が世界的に議論されている。国連によると, 2015年には生産された食材の約3分の1が廃棄されている。日本でも, 2015年には646万トンもの食品が廃棄されたと報告されている。この食品ロスの問題を解決にするにはどうしたらよいか。複数の解決策とそれらの根拠を200文字程度の英語で述べなさい。

One potential solution to the problem of food loss is to increase food donation programs. By partnering with organizations that can distribute surplus food to those in need, such as food banks and charities, food producers and retailers can help reduce food waste while also providing valuable support to those who may be struggling to access enough food.

Another solution is to implement better food waste management practices throughout the food supply chain. This could include reducing excess production, improving storage and transportation methods, and educating consumers about the importance of reducing food waste.

Additionally, implementing food waste reduction targets and incentives for businesses and individuals could also help to address the problem. This could include providing financial incentives for businesses that successfully reduce their food waste, or implementing policies that aim to reduce food waste at the consumer level.

Overall, there are many potential solutions to the problem of food loss. By implementing a combination of these strategies, we can work towards reducing food waste and ensuring that surplus food is used to feed those in need.

日本の大学生の読書時間の推移を表したグラフより1日の平均読書時間が減少傾向にあることがわかる。この現象について, 下記の指示に従い英語200字で。 ※ 解かずに雰囲気を確認して


Based on the graph, it appears that the average amount of time that Japanese university students spend reading per day has been decreasing. There could be several reasons for this trend.

One possible explanation is that students are facing increasing academic demands and may not have as much time to devote to reading for leisure. With the growing pressure to succeed academically, students may be focusing more on studying and completing assignments, leaving less time for reading.

Another potential reason for the decrease in reading time could be the rise of digital media and the increasing availability of entertainment options. With so many distractions available on the internet and social media, students may be spending more of their free time engaging with these platforms, rather than reading books.

Additionally, the rise of mobile devices and the increasing use of technology in daily life may also be contributing to the decline in reading time. With smartphones and other devices providing access to a wide range of information and entertainment, students may be spending more time using these devices, which could be taking away from their reading time.

Overall, the decrease in reading time among Japanese university students may be a result of a combination of factors, including increased academic demands, the rise of digital media, and the increasing use of technology.

グローバルな協力を行うにあたって支障となる「違い」を言語以外から1つえらび, それがどんな問題を生じさせるのかを説明した上で, その問題をどのように解決したらよいかまでを200語程度の英語で具体的に述べよ。

One potential barrier to global cooperation is cultural differences. These differences can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications, which can impede the ability of individuals and organizations to work effectively together.

For example, cultural differences in business practices and communication styles can cause misunderstandings and lead to conflicts between colleagues and partners from different countries. For instance, in some cultures, it is common to be direct and straightforward in communication, while in others, indirectness and politeness are more important. These differences can lead to misunderstandings and make it difficult for individuals from different cultural backgrounds to communicate and work together effectively.

To address this problem, it is important for individuals and organizations to be aware of and respectful of cultural differences. This can involve educating themselves about the cultural practices and norms of others, being open to learning from and adapting to different ways of doing things, and making an effort to communicate clearly and effectively.

Additionally, utilizing tools such as cross-cultural training and language translation services can also help to bridge cultural gaps and facilitate global cooperation. By investing in these resources, individuals and organizations can improve their ability to work together effectively and overcome cultural barriers.

Overall, cultural differences can pose a challenge to global cooperation. By being aware of and respectful of these differences, and utilizing tools such as cross-cultural training and language translation services, individuals and organizations can work together more effectively and overcome these challenges.



Whether or not robots should be used to replace human workers is a complex and contentious issue. On one hand, robots can be more efficient and cost-effective than human workers in some cases. They do not need to take breaks, can work 24/7, and do not require salary or benefits. Additionally, robots can be more precise and accurate in performing certain tasks, such as assembly line work or tasks that require repetitive movements.

However, on the other hand, there are also many compelling arguments against using robots to replace human workers. For one, the widespread adoption of robots could lead to significant job losses, particularly in industries that rely heavily on human labor. This could have severe economic consequences, as many people may struggle to find new employment opportunities, leading to increased poverty and inequality.

Additionally, there are also ethical concerns to consider. While robots do not have the same needs and desires as humans, they are still capable of performing complex tasks and can be programmed to make decisions. As such, there are questions about whether it is ethical to treat them as mere tools, rather than as sentient beings.

Ultimately, whether or not robots should be used to replace human workers will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific industry, the impact on workers and the economy, and ethical considerations. It is important for society to carefully weigh the pros and cons of using robots in the workforce and make decisions based on a thorough understanding of the potential consequences.


There are both arguments in favor of and against implementing daylight saving time, also known as summer time.

One argument in favor of daylight saving time is that it can help to reduce energy consumption. By extending daylight hours in the evening, people are less likely to use artificial lighting, which can save electricity. This can have positive environmental and financial benefits, as reducing energy consumption can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower energy costs for households and businesses.

Another argument in favor of daylight saving time is that it can promote outdoor activities and support the local economy. With longer daylight hours in the evenings, people may be more likely to engage in outdoor activities, such as sports, gardening, or dining at outdoor restaurants. This can help to support local businesses and promote a sense of community.

However, there are also arguments against implementing daylight saving time. One of the main arguments is that it can disrupt people's natural sleep patterns and lead to negative health effects. By changing the clock twice a year, people's sleep schedules can be disrupted, which can lead to increased fatigue and decreased productivity. Additionally, there is also evidence that changing the clock can increase the risk of traffic accidents and heart attacks.

Overall, there are both pros and cons to implementing daylight saving time. While it can have some benefits, such as reducing energy consumption and promoting outdoor activities, it can also lead to negative health effects and disrupt people's sleep patterns. As such, the decision to implement daylight saving time will ultimately depend on the specific context and the potential trade-offs involved.

原発を廃止し, 再生可能エネルギーを利用すべきか。賛成と反対の意見 英語80文字。

英語 小論文

リベラルアーツと実用的な専攻科目との比較をした長文を読んだ上で、将来どちらがより重要な分野となるかを英語で述べる(文字指定は70-100 words)


In the long run, a liberal arts education may be more beneficial than a practical specialized subject. Liberal arts provide a well-rounded education that can give individuals a broad range of knowledge and skills. This can make them more adaptable and able to think critically and creatively, which can be valuable in a rapidly changing world. Additionally, a liberal arts education can help individuals develop important personal qualities, such as communication and teamwork, which can be beneficial in many different fields. Overall, a liberal arts education can provide a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling future.


In the long run, a practical specialized subject may be more beneficial than a liberal arts education. Practical specialized subjects can provide individuals with specific skills and expertise that are in demand in the job market. This can make them more employable and able to pursue a successful career in a particular field. Additionally, focusing on a practical specialized subject can allow individuals to gain a deep understanding of a particular subject and become an expert in their field. This can be valuable in many different industries and can provide individuals with a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. Overall, a practical specialized subject can provide a strong foundation for a successful and rewarding future.


I would like to live in a society where autonomous vehicles are the norm. Autonomous vehicles have the potential to greatly improve road safety by reducing human error, which is a leading cause of accidents. They can also make transportation more efficient, allowing people to use their time in the car more productively. Additionally, autonomous vehicles could make transportation more accessible for those who are unable to drive, such as the elderly or individuals with disabilities. Overall, a society with widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles could be safer, more efficient, and more inclusive.


I would not like to live in a society where autonomous vehicles are the norm. While autonomous vehicles have the potential to improve road safety and efficiency, they also bring potential drawbacks and risks. For example, there are concerns about the reliability and security of the technology, as well as the potential loss of jobs for human drivers. Additionally, the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles could lead to other unintended consequences, such as increased congestion on the roads or a decline in public transportation. Overall, a society with widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles could be fraught with uncertainty and potential negative impacts.


Social media can be both beneficial and harmful. On the one hand, social media has greatly improved communication and connected people from all over the world. It has also given a voice to marginalized communities and made it easier for individuals to share their thoughts and ideas with a wider audience. On the other hand, social media can also be harmful as it can promote the spread of misinformation, contribute to the erosion of privacy, and even lead to addiction. However, overall, the benefits of social media far outweigh the potential drawbacks when used responsibly.


While social media has many benefits, it can also be harmful. One of the main drawbacks of social media is the spread of misinformation. With the ability to easily share information, false or misleading information can quickly spread and cause confusion or harm. Additionally, social media can contribute to the erosion of privacy as people often share personal information online, which can be accessed by others. Finally, social media can lead to addiction, as people can become overly reliant on the validation and attention they receive from their online presence. Overall, while social media has many benefits, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and use it responsibly.


動物園はテレビ番組に取って代わられる」という意見に対する反論を,2 つ以上の理由とともに。(70 語〜100 語)


There are several reasons why zoos cannot be replaced by television shows. First, zoos provide a unique opportunity for people to see and learn about animals up close. This can help foster a greater appreciation and understanding of the animals and their natural habitats. Second, zoos also play an important role in conservation efforts. They often provide a safe haven for endangered species and support conservation efforts in the wild. Finally, zoos provide a space for scientific research and education that cannot be replicated by television shows. Overall, while television shows can be an entertaining and educational way to learn about animals, they cannot replace the experience and value of visiting a zoo.



One of the main differences between work-life balance in France and Japan is the amount of time that people spend at work. In Japan, it is common for people to work long hours and overtime, often at the expense of their personal life. In contrast, in France, employees are entitled to a minimum of five weeks of paid vacation per year and there are strict regulations on working hours. As a result, people in France tend to have more time to spend with their families and engage in leisure activities.



When purchasing a computer for college, there are several important factors to consider. One important factor is the type of computer. For example, a laptop is portable and convenient for taking to class, while a desktop is typically more powerful and customizable. Another important factor is the operating system. Windows, MacOS, and Linux are the most common options, each with their own unique features and benefits. Finally, the size and resolution of the screen should also be considered, as a larger and higher resolution screen can make it easier to read and work on assignments. Ultimately, the best computer for college will depend on the individual student's needs and preferences.

アメリカ人が乗馬クラブに入りたくないと思われる理由を3つ想像して書きなさい。(50-70語) 「※ほぼ入試に出てこない」

There are several reasons why an American might not be interested in joining a riding club. First, horseback riding can be expensive, and not everyone can afford the cost of lessons, equipment, and other expenses. Second, some people may not be physically able or comfortable with the physical demands of horseback riding. Finally, some people may simply not be interested in horses or riding as a hobby. These factors can all contribute to a lack of interest in joining a riding club.

過去の発明品の中で1つ発明品を挙げ, 人間の生活をどのように変えた/変えているかを英語で100文字説明。

One invention that has greatly changed human life is the printing press. Invented in the 15th century, the printing press revolutionized the way information was disseminated and made it possible for books and other written materials to be produced quickly and inexpensively. This led to a widespread increase in literacy and a flowering of knowledge and ideas. The printing press also played a key role in the spread of religion and the development of democracy. Overall, the printing press has had a profound impact on human society and continues to shape the world we live in today.


One person who has had a profound impact on the world is Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was an Indian political leader who played a key role in the country's struggle for independence from British rule. He is best known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance, which he used to great effect in leading the Indian people in their fight for freedom. Gandhi's ideas and actions have inspired social and political movements around the world, and his philosophy of nonviolence continues to be relevant today. Overall, Gandhi's impact on the world has been profound, and he is remembered as one of the great leaders and thinkers of the 20th century.


Whether or not high school students should wear uniforms is a topic of debate. Some argue that uniforms promote a sense of unity and equality among students, while others believe that they limit self-expression and individuality. Some studies have shown that uniforms can improve student behavior and academic performance, while others have found no significant effects. Ultimately, the decision whether or not to require uniforms should be made by individual schools based on the specific needs and desires of their students and communities.


For me, the most important factor in making a city livable is the availability of good public transportation. This is because having a reliable and efficient transportation system allows people to easily and quickly get where they need to go, whether it be to work, school, or leisure activities. It also helps to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution. In addition, a good public transportation system can help to promote social inclusion and access to opportunities for all members of the community.


In my opinion, we manipulate and are manipulated by language. On the one hand, we use language to express our thoughts and ideas and to persuade others to see things from our point of view. Thus, we manipulate language as a tool to achieve our goals. On the other hand, language shapes our thinking and influences the way we perceive the world around us. It provides the framework and concepts through which we understand our experiences. Thus, we use language to express ourselves, but it also has a profound effect on the way we think and act.


If I could propose a new holiday, I would suggest a "Technology Detox Day," which would be a day where people take a break from using technology and spend time in nature or with loved ones. The purpose of this holiday would be to promote mindfulness and disconnection from the constant stimulation of screens and devices. I believe this would be a valuable holiday because it would encourage people to unplug and reconnect with the world around them, and to prioritize their physical and mental well-being. Additionally, it would provide an opportunity to reflect on the role of technology in our lives and to consider the effects it has on our relationships and society as a whole.



After reading a quote from Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar," I am struck by the timelessness of the themes and ideas it explores. The quote, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves," speaks to the idea that our actions and choices, rather than fate or external forces, determine our destinies. This is a powerful reminder that we are responsible for our own lives and have the agency to shape our own futures. It also highlights the dangers of placing blame on others or external circumstances, and encourages us to take ownership of our own actions and decisions. Overall, I find this quote to be both thought-provoking and inspiring.



One thing I have noticed about the campus where I am currently taking an exam is the amount of construction that is taking place. There are several new buildings being built, as well as renovations being done to existing ones. This construction can be disruptive, as it creates noise and dust that can be distracting. It can also make it difficult to navigate around campus, as certain areas may be blocked off or inaccessible. Despite these challenges, I am glad to see that the school is making investments in its infrastructure and facilities. I hope that these improvements will benefit the students and enhance the overall campus experience.

“Look before you leap”と“He who hesitates is lost”という、内容の相反することわざがある。どのように相反するか説明したうえで、あなたにとってどちらがよい助言と思われるか、理由とともに答えよ。全体で60~80語の英語で答えること。

The proverbs "look before you leap" and "he who hesitates is lost" seem to contradict each other, as the first advises caution and consideration before taking action, while the second urges swiftness and decisiveness. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that both proverbs are ultimately advocating for careful thought and planning before acting. "Look before you leap" emphasizes the importance of gathering information and considering potential consequences before making a decision, while "he who hesitates is lost" cautions against letting indecision or hesitation hold us back from seizing opportunities. In my opinion, both of these proverbs offer valuable advice and should be taken to heart.


People only see what they are prepared to see.


There is a famous saying that people only see what they are prepared to see. I believe this means that our perspectives and beliefs influence what we are able to observe and understand about the world around us. We are all subject to our own biases and preconceptions, which can limit our ability to see things objectively. In order to truly see the world as it is, we must be willing to open our minds and consider new ideas and perspectives. This requires humility and an awareness of our own limitations and blind spots. Only by being open and curious can we truly see the world around us in all its complexity and nuance.


One of the most important things I have learned in school and beyond is the value of empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and it is crucial for building strong relationships and creating a more compassionate society. I believe empathy is important because it allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and to see the world from their perspective. It also helps us to be more understanding and compassionate towards others, even when we may not agree with them. Overall, I think that empathy is a crucial skill that we should all strive to cultivate in ourselves and in those around us.


If we could read other people's minds, the consequences could be both positive and negative. On the one hand, we would have a better understanding of what others are thinking and feeling, which could facilitate communication and improve relationships. We might also be able to anticipate and prevent conflicts before they arise. On the other hand, the ability to read minds could also be abused and used to manipulate or exploit others. It could also erode trust and privacy, as people may be afraid to have their thoughts exposed or judged. Additionally, it could lead to a lack of empathy and understanding, as we may rely too heavily on being able to read others' thoughts and lose the ability to empathize with them.


It is not possible to understand other people’s pain.


I disagree with the statement that it is not possible to understand other people's pain. While it is true that we cannot fully comprehend or experience the exact same pain that someone else is feeling, we can still try to understand and empathize with their suffering. We can listen to them, ask questions, and validate their feelings. By doing so, we can show them that we care and that we are there to support them. Additionally, even though we may not have experienced the same pain, we may have experienced pain or hardship in our own lives, and we can draw on those experiences to try to understand and connect with others. Overall, I think that it is possible to understand and support others in their pain, even if we cannot fully share it.


In July 2020, Japan began charging for plastic bags at stores. This movement is already taking place in other countries as well. Plastic waste flows into the ocean, and Japan has the second-highest amount of plastic waste per person after the United States.

I believe that it is important for individuals and governments to take steps to reduce plastic waste and protect the environment. Charging for plastic bags is a good start, but there are many other ways we can reduce our reliance on plastic and minimize its impact on the environment. For example, we can use reusable shopping bags, water bottles, and containers to reduce the amount of plastic we use on a daily basis. We can also recycle more and properly dispose of plastic waste to prevent it from entering the ocean. Overall, it is essential that we all work together to reduce plastic waste and protect the environment for future generations.

クラス授業による学習が効果的か, 自己学習が効果的に関する英文を読み, あなた自身の経験に基づいた具体的な理由を2つ以上明示し, 100語で述べよ。

Based on my own experience, I believe that both classroom learning and self-learning can be effective.

In terms of classroom learning, I have found that having a teacher to guide my learning and answer my questions has been beneficial. I have also been able to learn from my classmates and have discussions with them, which has helped me to understand the material better. Additionally, being in a structured classroom environment has helped me to stay focused and motivated to learn.

On the other hand, I have also found self-learning to be effective. For example, when I am studying for a test, I have been able to learn the material more efficiently by reviewing the textbook and other resources on my own. I have also found that I am able to learn at my own pace and focus on the topics that I am most interested in. Additionally, I have been able to learn new skills and knowledge through online courses and tutorials, which has been helpful in expanding my knowledge and abilities.

Overall, I believe that both classroom learning and self-learning can be effective, depending on the individual and the situation. Both methods have their own strengths and benefits, and I think it is important to use a combination of both in order to optimize one's learning.


Traffic congestion is a problem that often occurs in urban areas. This happens when there are too many vehicles on the road, leading to delays and frustration for drivers. Traffic congestion can also have negative impacts on air quality and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. One way to address this problem is by promoting the use of public transportation and encouraging people to use alternative modes of transportation, such as biking or walking. Additionally, implementing measures such as carpool lanes and congestion pricing can also help to reduce traffic congestion in urban areas.

多くの国では大学1年生は寮で共同生活を求められる。これは良いシステムか?3つの理由を述べて(80-120 words)

In many countries, first-year university students are required to live in dormitories. Whether or not this is a good system depends on one's perspective.

One argument in favor of this system is that it allows students to make new friends and build a support network. Living in a dormitory can provide opportunities for socialization and can help students to feel less isolated as they adjust to university life. Additionally, dormitories often have amenities such as shared kitchens and laundry facilities, which can be convenient for students who are living away from home for the first time.

However, there are also arguments against this system. For example, some students may not want to live in a dormitory and may prefer to live on their own or with their families. Additionally, dormitories can be crowded and noisy, which can be challenging for students who prefer a quiet living environment.

Overall, whether or not the requirement for first-year university students to live in dormitories is a good system depends on individual circumstances and preferences. Some students may find it beneficial, while others may not.


日本では運転免許は18歳以上だが, 16歳に法律を変えるのは良い考えか悪い考えか。3つの理由を述べて(80-120 words)


In Japan, the legal age for obtaining a driver's license is 18 years old. Changing the law to allow 16-year-olds to obtain a driver's license could be either a good or a bad idea, depending on one's perspective.

One argument in favor of this change is that it would allow teenagers to gain more independence and freedom at an earlier age. This could be beneficial for those who live in rural areas or have families with multiple cars, as it would allow them to drive themselves to school or other activities. Additionally, allowing 16-year-olds to obtain a driver's license could potentially reduce the number of traffic accidents involving young people, as they would have more experience and training before they start driving on their own.

However, there are also arguments against this change. For example, 16-year-olds are not yet fully developed physically or emotionally, which could make them more prone to accidents. Additionally, allowing teenagers to obtain a driver's license at an earlier age could potentially increase the number of cars on the road, leading to more traffic congestion and air pollution.

Overall, whether or not changing the law to allow 16-year-olds to obtain a driver's license in Japan is a good idea depends on individual circumstances and priorities. Some may see it as a positive step, while others may view it as a potential risk.

新旧2つのティーチング方法の利点・決定(80-120 words)

There are many different teaching methods that can be used in the classroom. Some of these methods are considered to be "traditional," while others are more "innovative" or "modern." Both traditional and modern teaching methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the best approach will depend on the specific situation and the goals of the teacher.

One advantage of traditional teaching methods is that they are well-established and have been proven to be effective over time. For example, the lecture method, in which the teacher provides information to the students, has been used for centuries and is still widely used today. Traditional methods are also often familiar to students, which can make them easier to understand and follow.

On the other hand, modern teaching methods can also be beneficial. These methods often focus on active learning and student engagement, and can be more interactive and hands-on. For example, the inquiry-based approach, in which students ask their own questions and conduct experiments to learn about a topic, can be effective in helping students to develop critical thinking skills and a love of learning.

Ultimately, the decision of which teaching method to use will depend on the specific goals of the teacher and the needs of the students. A combination of traditional and modern methods may be the most effective approach.

語学と成功するビジネスパーソンについての日本文を読み, メッセージが何か50 〜 60 wordsで書く

Learning a foreign language can be beneficial for anyone who wants to be successful in business. In today's global economy, being able to communicate in multiple languages can open up new opportunities and help you to connect with people from different cultures. It can also enhance your ability to think critically and solve problems, and can improve your overall communication skills. In short, learning a foreign language can be an important asset for anyone who wants to be successful in the world of business.

日本について理解を深めてもらうために, 留学生や研修生に日本にいる間に必ずしてほしいと思うことを1つ挙げ, その理由を説明(50-60words)

If I were to recommend something for international students and trainees to do while they are in Japan, I would suggest that they try and compare the sweets from the three major convenience store chains. The reason for this is that it would allow them to experience the high cost-performance of Japanese food, and gain a deeper understanding of Japan's food culture. Convenience store sweets are a popular and affordable option for many Japanese people, and trying them can give a sense of the variety and quality of Japanese snacks and desserts.


It is difficult to say whether or not raising the voting age in Japan to 18 years old would be a good idea without knowing more about the specific details and reasons behind such a proposal. In general, however, there are arguments for and against raising the voting age.

One argument in favor of raising the voting age is that 18 is considered to be the age of majority in Japan, at which point individuals are legally considered to be adults. Therefore, allowing 18-year-olds to vote could be seen as a natural extension of their rights and responsibilities as adults. Additionally, 18-year-olds may have more life experience and knowledge about political issues than younger teenagers, which could make them better-informed voters.

On the other hand, there are also arguments against raising the voting age. For example, some people may argue that 16- and 17-year-olds are mature enough to vote, and that denying them the right to vote could be seen as unfair. Additionally, there may be concerns about the potential impact on voter turnout and political participation, as younger people are generally less likely to vote than older people.

Overall, the decision of whether or not to raise the voting age in Japan would depend on a variety of factors and would require careful consideration.

電子辞書の方が役に立つ理由 / 紙の辞書の方が役に立つ理由(50-60語)

Electronic dictionaries and paper dictionaries each have their own advantages and can be useful in different situations.

One reason why electronic dictionaries can be more helpful is because they are often more compact and portable than paper dictionaries. This can be convenient for students or travelers who need to carry a dictionary with them on the go. Additionally, electronic dictionaries often have additional features such as audio pronunciation and the ability to search for words using a keyboard, which can be useful for language learners.

On the other hand, paper dictionaries can also be useful. For example, they can be easier to read and navigate, especially for people who are not used to using electronic devices. Additionally, paper dictionaries do not require a power source, which means they can be used anywhere without needing to be charged. This can be especially helpful in situations where there is no access to electricity or Wi-Fi.

Overall, both electronic and paper dictionaries can be helpful, and the best choice will depend on individual preferences and needs.


One experience where I succeeded in achieving a goal was when I was studying for a difficult math test. I had been struggling with the material and was feeling very anxious about the test. However, I set a goal for myself to study for at least two hours every day for a week leading up to the test. I also made a study plan and stuck to it, breaking up the material into smaller sections and practicing problems until I felt confident. As a result, I was able to pass the test and get a good grade, which was a huge relief and a source of pride for me.

The lesson that I learned from this experience is the importance of setting specific and achievable goals, and being disciplined and consistent in working towards them. By setting a clear goal and making a plan to achieve it, I was able to stay focused and motivated, and ultimately succeed in reaching my goal. This experience taught me that with dedication and effort, it is possible to overcome challenges and achieve success.


Recently, many young people have been aspiring to become famous on YouTube. However, whether or not being a YouTuber is a good career choice depends on a variety of factors.

One reason why being a YouTuber could be a good career choice is that it allows individuals to express themselves creatively and share their interests and passions with a wide audience. For example, some YouTubers make videos about fashion, makeup, or travel, and are able to build a following of people who are interested in their content. Additionally, being a successful YouTuber can potentially provide a good income, as popular creators can earn money from ads, sponsorships, and other revenue streams.

On the other hand, there are also challenges and drawbacks to being a YouTuber. For example, the competition on YouTube is intense, and it can be difficult to gain a significant following and make a name for oneself. Additionally, being a YouTuber can be a lot of work, and requires constant content creation, engagement with fans, and maintenance of a personal brand. Additionally, the income of YouTubers can be unpredictable and may not be stable.

Overall, whether or not being a YouTuber is a good career choice depends on the individual and their goals and circumstances. While it can be a rewarding and fulfilling career for some, it may not be the right fit for everyone.

現代のコンピュータは今やすぐに益々正確に翻訳できるので, 外国語を学ぶことは時間の無駄だと考えている人もいる。賛成か反対か。どうして?(80 words)

There are some people who believe that studying a foreign language is a waste of time because modern computers can translate text quickly and accurately. Whether or not this is true depends on one's perspective.

One argument in favor of studying a foreign language is that computers are not perfect, and translations can be inaccurate or misleading. Additionally, being able to speak a foreign language allows for more direct and personal communication with people from different cultures, which can be beneficial for building relationships and understanding different perspectives. Learning a foreign language can also have cognitive benefits, such as improving memory and problem-solving skills.

On the other hand, there are also arguments against studying a foreign language. For example, some people may not have the time or resources to devote to language learning, and may find it more efficient to rely on translation tools. Additionally, there may be concerns about the potential loss of jobs for professional translators as technology continues to advance.

Overall, whether or not studying a foreign language is a waste of time depends on individual circumstances and priorities. While it can have many benefits, it may not be the right choice for everyone.

100文字の英語、交換留学プログラムでイングランドに行くと想像してみよう。母国について少し話すことになっている。イングランド出身の人々に対する, 母国の文化や慣習についていつくか面白い, または, 特徴的な点を伝えるスピーチを書きなさい。

If I were to go on an exchange program to England, I would be excited to learn more about British culture and customs. One interesting aspect of my home country is our traditional clothing. In Japan, people often wear kimonos, which are beautiful and elegant robes that are made of silk and have intricate designs. Kimonos are typically worn on special occasions, such as weddings or festivals, and are a symbol of our cultural heritage. I think it would be fascinating to share this aspect of my culture with people from England, and to learn more about their own traditions and customs.

コロナウイルスは生活をどのように変えたか。考え方や時間の過ごし方に与えた影響は何か。(120 words)

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on people's lives and has changed the way many people live and work. One of the biggest changes has been the widespread adoption of remote work, as many businesses and organizations have had to shut down their physical offices and have their employees work from home. This has also led to an increase in the use of digital technologies, such as video conferencing and online collaboration tools, to stay connected and productive.

The pandemic has also had a profound effect on people's mental health, as many have had to deal with isolation, stress, and anxiety. In addition, the pandemic has disrupted people's routines and daily schedules, leading to a sense of uncertainty and loss of control. Many people have had to cancel or postpone important events and activities, such as weddings, vacations, and sporting events.

Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly altered the way people live and work, and has had a significant impact on people's mental health and well-being.

15歳の自分に手紙を送れるとしたら, 何と言い, どんなアドバイスを送るだろうか?(英語で120 words) 

If I could send a letter to my 15-year-old self, I would tell myself to be patient and to trust in the journey. I would remind myself that life is full of ups and downs, and that it's important to be resilient and to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough.

I would also tell myself to be kind to others and to myself, and to always treat others with respect and compassion. I would remind myself that everyone has their own struggles and challenges, and that it's important to be understanding and empathetic.

In addition, I would encourage myself to pursue my passions and to never give up on my dreams. I would remind myself that it's okay to make mistakes and to fail, because these experiences can help us grow and learn.

Overall, I would tell myself to stay true to myself, to be kind to others, and to never give up on my dreams.

昔はより良い生活を得るために大学に行き学位をとる必要があると多くの人が信じていた。これは今日も依然として必要なことか?(120 words)

While it is true that in the past, many people believed that obtaining a college degree was necessary in order to have a good quality of life, this is no longer necessarily the case. In today's world, there are many different paths to success and fulfillment, and not all of them involve going to college.

For some people, pursuing a trade or vocational training may be a better option than going to college. For others, starting a business or working in a particular field may be a more effective way to achieve their goals.

Additionally, the high cost of college tuition and student loan debt can be a significant barrier for many people. As a result, it may not always make financial sense for everyone to attend college.

Overall, while obtaining a college degree can certainly be beneficial for some people, it is not necessarily a requirement for a good quality of life. The most important thing is to find a path that works best for each individual person.

著名人物(存命でも故人でも)にインタビューする機会があったら誰にどんな質問をする?なぜそういう質問をするか?(120 words)

If I had the opportunity to interview a famous person, I would choose to interview Albert Einstein. I would ask him about his thoughts on the nature of time and space, and how his theories on relativity have impacted our understanding of the universe.

I would ask him about the challenges he faced in developing his theories, and how he overcame them. I would also be interested in learning about his views on the role of science in society, and how he thinks science can be used to improve people's lives.

I would ask these questions because I am fascinated by Einstein's work and the profound impact it has had on our understanding of the world. I believe that his insights and perspectives would provide valuable insights and help to deepen our understanding of the universe.

10億円与えられたらどのような会社を作って, それが他の人にどのような利益となるか(100文字で英語)

If I were given 10 billion yen, I would create a company that focuses on developing renewable energy technologies. This company would aim to create innovative solutions for producing clean energy from sources such as solar and wind power. This would benefit other people by helping to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and address the problem of climate change. 

学業を中断し社会勉強することに関する会話文を読み, 問5「イギリスと違ってLilyが興味を持ったようなギャップイヤー(Gap year)は日本では一般的ではない。この違いをどのように説明すればよいと思うか。10〜15wordsで次の文の続きを完成させよ。」 


This kind of gap year is not very common in Japan because ….

This kind of gap year is not very common in Japan because the education system places a strong emphasis on continuous academic study and university entrance exams. As a result, taking time off from school to pursue other interests or experiences is not widely accepted or encouraged.


People from various cultural backgrounds value art for many reasons. For some, art provides a means of self-expression and allows them to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. For others, art can be a source of inspiration and can help to stimulate creativity and imagination. Additionally, art can be a powerful tool for promoting cultural heritage and preserving the traditions and values of a society. Furthermore, art can have a profound emotional impact on people and can help to connect individuals and communities. Overall, people value art for its ability to inspire, educate, and enrich our lives.


When facing a difficult situation, it can be helpful to take a break and refocus. For example, if you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck on a project, taking a short walk or engaging in a relaxing activity can help clear your mind and give you a fresh perspective. It can also be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings or seek support from friends, family, or a counselor. By taking care of yourself and reaching out for help, you can find the motivation and support you need to continue moving forward.


One benefit of a cashless society is increased convenience for consumers, who no longer need to carry cash or search for an ATM. It can also help reduce crime, as there is less physical money to steal. However, there are also potential drawbacks. For example, a reliance on digital transactions may exclude those who do not have access to bank accounts or smartphones. Additionally, a lack of physical currency could make it more difficult for individuals to track their spending and stick to a budget.

「何事もあきらめが肝心」と言われますが, 一方で「あきらめなければ, 必ず道は開ける」という言葉もあります。あなたの考えはどちらに近いですか。あなたの過去の経験を1つ挙げて, 英語で70語程度で述べよ。

「何事もあきらめが肝心」について。あなたの過去の経験を1つ挙げて, 英語で70語程度で述べよ。

I believe that it is important to persevere and not give up, even in the face of challenges. For example, when I was in high school, I struggled with math and often felt like giving up. However, with the support of my teachers and parents, I was able to continue working hard and eventually improve my skills. This experience taught me that persistence and determination can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.


In the context of deciding on a career path, it can be a good idea to consider working in a job related to your hobbies. Firstly, it can make your work more enjoyable and fulfilling, which can lead to greater satisfaction in your career. Secondly, it can allow you to use your skills and passions in a professional setting, which can lead to greater success in your chosen field. It's important to also consider other factors, such as salary and opportunities for growth, when making a decision about your future career.



One lesson that can be learned from failure is the importance of perseverance. Even when things don't go as planned, it's important to keep trying and to learn from our mistakes. By doing this, we can eventually overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. Additionally, failure can teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and our abilities, and can help us to grow and improve. By embracing failure and using it as an opportunity to learn and grow, we can ultimately achieve greater success in the future.


Two reasons why studying is important are:

Studying can help you to gain knowledge and develop new skills, which can be useful in your personal and professional life. By expanding your understanding of the world around you and acquiring new abilities, you can become more well-rounded and better equipped to pursue your goals.
Studying can also help you to improve your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. In today's complex and rapidly changing world, these skills are more valuable than ever. By developing your ability to think critically and to solve problems, you can become more flexible and adaptable, and better able to navigate the challenges that life throws your way.
Overall, studying can help you to prepare for the future and to achieve your goals. By investing in your education, you can open up new opportunities for yourself and lay the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life.

「知識は力なり」と言われるが, 知識をもつということはどんな力をもつことになると思うか。ふたつの理由80文字の英語

Having knowledge can give you several powers. Firstly, knowledge can give you the power to understand and make sense of the world around you. By learning about different subjects and gaining a deeper understanding of how things work, you can better navigate your surroundings and make more informed decisions.

Secondly, knowledge can give you the power to communicate with others. By knowing more about a particular topic, you can share your insights and ideas with others, and engage in meaningful conversations and discussions. This can help you to build connections and relationships with others, and can open up new opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Overall, having knowledge can give you the power to understand, communicate, and navigate the world around you, which can be invaluable in both personal and professional settings.


One issue that society may face in the future is the growing gap between the rich and the poor. This could be caused by several factors, such as increasing automation and the globalization of the economy.

Firstly, automation and other technological advances can lead to job losses and income inequality. As machines and algorithms become more capable of performing tasks that were previously done by humans, some workers may find themselves out of a job or underpaid. This can lead to a widening gap between those who have the skills and education to adapt to the changing economy, and those who do not.

Secondly, the globalization of the economy can also contribute to income inequality. As companies move their operations to countries with lower labor costs, workers in developed countries may find themselves competing with workers from around the world for jobs. This can lead to lower wages and job insecurity, which can further widen the gap between the rich and the poor.

Overall, the growing gap between the rich and the poor is a complex issue that society may face in the future, and it will require careful attention and solutions to address.


One reason why people may feel that others do not understand them is when they have different experiences, backgrounds, or perspectives. For example, if someone has grown up in a different culture or has faced unique challenges in life, they may feel that others cannot fully understand their perspective.

In this situation, one way to cope is to find ways to communicate more effectively with others. This could involve finding common ground and shared experiences, or using language and examples that others can relate to. By doing this, you can help others to better understand your perspective, and you can learn more about theirs as well.

Ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone has their own unique experiences and perspectives, and that no one can fully understand another person's thoughts and feelings. By accepting this and being open to learning from others, you can build stronger and more empathetic relationships with those around you.

タイムマシンがあれば使ってみたいか。どのように使ってみたいか, あるいはなぜ使いたくないのか。

If I had a time machine, I would be tempted to use it to visit different eras and see what the world was like in the past. I would be interested in learning about different cultures and historical events, and in seeing how people lived and what they believed in.

However, I would also be hesitant to use a time machine, as I worry about the potential consequences of altering the past. I would be concerned about causing unintended changes to the timeline and potentially creating paradoxes or other problems. Additionally, I would be unsure of how to navigate the complexities of time travel, and I would worry about getting stranded in the past or not being able to return to the present.

Overall, while I would be curious to use a time machine, I would also have reservations about the potential risks and challenges involved.


One thing that I am most proud of is graduating from college. It was a challenging and demanding experience, but I was able to overcome the obstacles and earn my degree. I am proud of the hard work and dedication that I put into my studies, and of the knowledge and skills that I gained during my time in college.

I am also proud of the fact that I was able to balance my studies with other activities, such as working part-time, volunteering, and participating in extracurricular activities. This allowed me to gain a well-rounded education and to develop a range of skills and experiences that have been valuable in my professional and personal life.

Overall, graduating from college is something that I am proud of, as it represents a significant accomplishment and the culmination of many years of hard work and dedication.

日本の若者の「内向き志向」について海外留学を除いた例を使って説明 英語40文字の文章。

One example of "introverted orientation" among Japanese youth is their tendency to prefer solitary activities, such as reading or playing video games, over more social activities. This can lead to them being seen as introverted or shy by others.


I think that calligraphy is a beautiful and artistic form of writing. It involves using special brushes and ink to create carefully crafted characters and compositions. I appreciate the skill and dedication that goes into creating calligraphy, and I find it to be a fascinating and rewarding art form.

日本では新たな賃貸契約を結ぶ際に所有者に礼金(key money)を感謝の印として払う。この慣習は時代遅れでやめるべきと言う人もいる。どう思うか?(60 words)

I think that the practice of paying key money to the owner when entering into a new rental contract in Japan is outdated and should be discontinued. Key money is essentially a form of payment for the privilege of renting a property, and it is not always transparent or fair. In addition, it can create a financial burden for renters, especially those who are already struggling to afford housing. Instead of continuing this practice, I believe that rental contracts should be based on objective criteria and fair market prices, without the need for key money.


1.A smiling sun emoji, representing the beautiful weather and sunny skies that many travelers enjoy when visiting foreign countries.
2.A passport emoji, representing the excitement and adventure of traveling to new places and experiencing different cultures.
These emojis could be used to help convey the joy and excitement of traveling to foreign countries, and to encourage others to explore the world and experience all that it has to offer.


日本の地方自治体は海外旅行客が日本の温泉にくるよう惹きつけるためにどんな措置を講じるべきか(英語60 words)

To attract overseas tourists to Japan's hot springs, local municipalities should provide information about the features and attractions of hot spring resorts and offer infrastructure and services to make it easier for tourists to visit. It is also important to provide support for local facilities and staff to ensure that tourists can enjoy their stay at hot spring resorts. In addition, promoting and advertising the hot spring resorts to overseas tourists can help spread the word about their appeal.


The bandwagon effect has influenced past decisions by promoting the adoption of certain behaviors or beliefs because they are perceived as being popular or successful. This can lead to a situation where more and more people adopt the same behavior or belief, creating a self-reinforcing cycle that can be difficult to break.

バンドワゴン効果は大人より若者に強く影響を与えるか(60 words)

It is difficult to say whether the bandwagon effect has a stronger impact on younger people or older people, as it can vary depending on the situation and the specific behavior or belief in question. However, it is generally thought that younger people may be more susceptible to the influence of peer pressure and the desire to conform to group norms, which can contribute to the bandwagon effect. This is because younger people are often still developing their sense of identity and may be more likely to adopt the beliefs and behaviors of those around them in order to fit in. On the other hand, older people may be more resistant to the influence of the bandwagon effect due to their greater life experience and the confidence that comes with it.

目的地までのルートの説明(英語 80 words)

To get to your destination, start by heading east on Main Street until you reach the intersection with 5th Avenue. Turn left onto 5th Avenue and continue for three blocks. You will then come to a traffic light at the intersection with 8th Street. Turn right onto 8th Street and continue for two blocks until you reach the entrance to the parking garage on your left. After you park your car, take the elevator to the lobby and ask the receptionist for directions to your final destination. The whole trip should take about 30 minutes by car.

社会的孤立について, あなた自身の考えを述べよ(英語 80 words)

In my opinion, social isolation can have serious negative effects on an individual's mental and physical health. When people feel isolated from others, they can experience feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety, which can lead to a decreased sense of self-worth and a lack of motivation. This can in turn affect their overall quality of life and their ability to participate in society. Furthermore, social isolation can also have negative effects on a person's physical health, as it has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. Overall, I believe that it is important for individuals to maintain strong social connections in order to avoid the negative effects of social isolation.

昔ながらのエネルギー源と比較して再生可能エネルギー源の利点は?(50 words)

Renewable energy sources have several advantages over traditional energy sources. For example, renewable energy sources are more sustainable and do not produce harmful emissions, such as carbon dioxide, that contribute to climate change. Renewable energy sources can also be more reliable and efficient, as they are not subject to the same price fluctuations and supply disruptions as traditional energy sources. Additionally, renewable energy sources can provide local communities with economic benefits, such as job creation and increased income from the sale of energy.

青春期に大切だと考えることがらについて述べよ(40 words)

During adolescence, it is important to develop a strong sense of self-identity and independence. This can involve exploring different interests and activities, forming healthy relationships with peers and adults, and learning how to make responsible decisions. Adolescence is also a time to develop important life skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and time management. By focusing on these areas, young people can lay the foundation for a happy and fulfilling adulthood.

日本という平和と繁栄をとげた豊かな社会に生きているのになぜ真の幸福感が薄いのか(50 words)

There are many possible reasons why people in Japan may not feel a strong sense of happiness despite living in a peaceful and prosperous society. One reason could be the pressure to conform to societal expectations and the competition for success and achievement. This can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, which can undermine happiness. Additionally, Japan's high-pressure work culture and long working hours may leave little time for leisure and personal fulfillment, which are important sources of happiness. Lastly, the importance placed on group harmony and the reluctance to express negative emotions openly can make it difficult for individuals to fully express their feelings and seek support when needed.

何歳で最初に携帯をもつべきか(英語 60 words)

One argument in favor of giving a child a mobile phone at the age of 12 is that it can provide a sense of independence and empowerment. At this age, children may be starting to spend more time with friends and engage in activities outside of the home, and a mobile phone can help them stay connected and safe. For example, a child can use a phone to call or text a parent if they need to be picked up from an after-school activity, or to contact a friend if they need help with a homework assignment. Additionally, a mobile phone can provide access to educational and entertainment apps and games, which can help a child stay engaged and entertained.


In my 10-minute video, I would showcase the beauty and unique culture of Japan by visiting a Kabuki theater and interviewing a Kabuki actor. I would explain to my viewers that Kabuki is a traditional form of Japanese theater that combines music, dance, and drama to tell stories of love, loyalty, and betrayal. I would also highlight the elaborate costumes, makeup, and stage design that are characteristic of Kabuki, and explain the significance of these elements in the performance. My main argument would be that Kabuki is a fascinating and beautiful art form that provides a window into Japan's rich cultural heritage. Some reasons why Kabuki is worth experiencing include its unique blend of music, dance, and drama, and its beautiful and elaborate costumes and stage design.

約100万の動植物種が絶滅の危機にあるが, こういった動植物種が絶滅する原因となるのはどんな種類の環境問題か?救うために日常生活の中で大学生としてできることは何か?主張と理由ふたつ<80文字英語>

Approximately one million plant and animal species are at risk of extinction. The main causes of this are environmental issues such as habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. As a university student, there are several things you can do to help save these species. For example, you can reduce your own environmental impact by reducing your consumption of single-use plastics, using public transportation or walking instead of driving, and supporting conservation organizations. You can also raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and the threats facing many species by sharing information with your friends and participating in environmental campaigns. My main argument is that individual actions can make a difference in protecting endangered species, and that taking small steps to reduce your own environmental impact is a crucial first step. One reason for this is that individual actions can add up to create a significant impact when many people take action. Another reason is that taking action can empower individuals and give them a sense of agency and responsibility in addressing environmental issues.

日本では空き家が増えているが, 空き家の問題点とその解決策を述べよ <英語80文字>

In Japan, the number of vacant houses is increasing, which can lead to a number of problems. For example, vacant houses can attract squatters, become breeding grounds for pests, and create a sense of abandonment and decay in neighborhoods. To address this issue, some potential solutions include converting vacant houses into affordable housing or community spaces, providing financial incentives for homeowners to sell or rent their vacant properties, and implementing regulations or taxes on vacant properties to encourage owners to put them to use. By addressing the root causes of vacant houses and implementing effective solutions, Japan can ensure that its housing stock is used efficiently and effectively.

1年間海外で暮らすとしたら, どこで何をし, 何を習得して帰るか (英語80文字)

If I lived abroad for one year, I would like to spend that time in a country where I could learn a new language and immerse myself in a different culture. For example, I might choose to live in Spain and learn Spanish, or in China and learn Mandarin. While living abroad, I would also like to travel and explore the country, try new foods, and meet new people. By the end of my year abroad, I would hope to have gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of the culture and language of the country where I lived, and to have developed new skills and perspectives that I can bring back with me when I return home.


If I could go back and give advice to my middle school self, I would tell myself to focus on developing my interests and passions, and to not be afraid to take risks and try new things. I would also remind myself to be kind and compassionate towards others, and to not be afraid to speak up and stand up for what I believe in. These things are important because they can help me grow and learn as a person, and can give me the confidence and resilience to overcome challenges and achieve my goals. By following this advice, I can become the best version of myself and live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

地球の未来はどうなると思うか <英語80文字 lines>

I believe that the future of the earth is uncertain and will depend on how we as a society choose to address the challenges we face. If we continue to ignore the consequences of our actions, such as climate change and environmental destruction, the earth may become inhospitable to human life. On the other hand, if we take action to address these challenges and transition to sustainable practices, we can create a future where the earth is healthy and thriving. It is up to us to make the right choices and ensure that the earth has a bright future.

大学で勉強することの意味は何だと思うか <80文字 英語>

I believe that the purpose of studying in college is to gain knowledge and skills that can help us achieve our goals and lead fulfilling lives. Through our studies, we can learn about a wide range of subjects and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us. This can help us develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and can broaden our perspectives and open up new possibilities for our future. Additionally, studying in college can also provide us with the opportunity to network and make connections with others who share our interests and passions, which can be valuable for our personal and professional development. Overall, studying in college can provide us with the tools and opportunities we need to succeed in life.

ジョークについて説明せよ <英語30文字>

A joke is a humorous statement or story that is intended to make people laugh.


I believe that parents should approach giving money to their children in a way that teaches them important lessons about money management and responsibility. This might involve giving children a small allowance that they can use to make their own spending decisions, or setting up a savings account where children can save and watch their money grow. Parents can also use these opportunities to discuss the value of money and the importance of budgeting and saving. By teaching children these lessons early on, parents can help them develop good financial habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.

地元の観光業を促進するためにどんなキャンペーンをするか <80英語文字>

To promote tourism in my local area, I would create a campaign that showcases the unique attractions and experiences that our region has to offer. This might involve creating marketing materials, such as brochures and posters, that highlight the natural beauty, cultural attractions, and recreational activities that are available in our area. I would also use social media and other online platforms to reach a wider audience and provide information about upcoming events and activities that tourists can participate in. Additionally, I would work with local businesses and organizations to offer discounts and special promotions to attract visitors to our area. By creating a comprehensive and engaging campaign, we can help increase awareness of our local tourism offerings and encourage more people to visit our region.

携帯電話の否定的側面について語り, 全体的な意見を述べよ。<80英語文字>

One negative aspect of mobile phones is that they can be addictive and disruptive to our daily lives. For example, people may become so focused on their phones that they neglect their relationships or other important tasks. Additionally, the constant stream of notifications and alerts from our phones can cause us to become easily distracted and unable to focus on the present moment. Furthermore, excessive phone use has been linked to a range of health problems, such as neck and back pain, vision problems, and sleep disturbances. In my opinion, it is important for people to use their phones responsibly and to set limits on their phone usage in order to avoid these negative effects.

余った収入を慈善団体に寄付すべきか <英語80文字程度>

I believe that donating leftover income to charitable organizations is a worthwhile and meaningful way to use our resources. By giving to charity, we can support causes that we care about and make a positive difference in the world. This can involve donating money to organizations that provide critical services, such as food and shelter, to people in need. It can also involve donating time and skills to volunteer for organizations that are working to address important social and environmental issues. By donating our leftover income to charity, we can help make the world a better place and contribute to the well-being of others.

日本文化の特徴の1つとされるaimai(あいまい)で誤解などが生じる具体例をあげ, 考えを英語120文字程度で書きなさい。

One example of how the Japanese concept of aimai (ambiguity) can lead to misunderstandings is in the way people communicate. In Japanese culture, it is often considered polite to avoid giving direct answers or expressing strong opinions, which can lead to vague or indirect responses. This can make it difficult for people from other cultures to understand the speaker's intentions or to know how to respond. For example, if a Japanese person is asked a question that they are not sure how to answer, they may say something like "maybe" or "it depends," which can be confusing to someone who is expecting a clear yes or no. In order to avoid misunderstandings and facilitate effective communication, it is important for people from different cultures to be aware of these cultural differences and to communicate openly and directly.

電動自転車の利用に関する英語の意見を書く(100 words)

I think that using electric bicycles is a great idea. Electric bicycles have many benefits compared to traditional bicycles or cars. For example, they are much more environmentally friendly because they produce no emissions and use less energy than cars. They are also easier to use and maintain than traditional bicycles, and they can help people save money on gas and car expenses. Additionally, electric bicycles can make it easier for people to commute to work or run errands, and they can provide a fun and healthy form of exercise. Overall, I believe that electric bicycles are a valuable and convenient form of transportation that can help people reduce their environmental impact and improve their health and wellbeing.

ペットを飼うことにはどのようなメリットがあると思うか(英語90 words)

I think that there are many benefits to owning a pet. For example, pets can provide companionship and emotional support, which can help to reduce stress and improve mental health. They can also provide a sense of responsibility and routine, which can be beneficial for people who live alone or who have busy lives. Additionally, pets can be a source of physical activity and exercise, which can help to improve physical health and fitness. Furthermore, pets can be a source of joy and happiness, and can bring people together by fostering a sense of community and connection. Overall, I believe that owning a pet can have many positive effects on our mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

18歳で選挙権が得られることに対する考え(英語90 words)

I think that giving 18-year-olds the right to vote is a good idea. At 18, people are considered adults and are expected to take on responsibilities such as paying taxes, serving in the military, and making important decisions about their lives. Therefore, it is appropriate for them to have a say in the political process and to be able to contribute to the decisions that affect their lives and the future of their country. Additionally, allowing 18-year-olds to vote can help to engage a new generation of voters and to increase participation in the electoral process. This can help to ensure that the voices and interests of young people are heard and represented in government. Overall, I believe that giving 18-year-olds the right to vote is a fair and important step towards fostering a more inclusive and democratic society.

日本人の和食への好みや食べる頻度を表す架空のグラフの説明(英語90 words)

The graph shows the preferences and frequency of Japanese people eating Japanese food. The vertical axis represents the percentage of people who answered that they like Japanese food, while the horizontal axis represents the frequency of eating Japanese food. The data shows that the majority of people surveyed (80%) answered that they like Japanese food, and that most people eat Japanese food several times a week (60%). A smaller percentage of people (20%) answered that they only eat Japanese food occasionally, and only a few people (5%) answered that they do not like Japanese food at all. Overall, the data suggests that Japanese food is a popular and regular part of the diet for most Japanese people.

日本人は和食をもっと食べるべきだと思うか(英語 90 words)

I think that Japanese people should eat more Japanese food. Japanese cuisine is rich in flavors and ingredients, and it has many health benefits. For example, Japanese food is often based on fresh and seasonal ingredients, and it uses a variety of cooking methods that preserve the nutrients and flavors of these ingredients. Additionally, Japanese food emphasizes balance and moderation, which can help to promote a healthy and nutritious diet. Furthermore, Japanese food is an important part of Japanese culture and heritage, and it can be a source of pride and enjoyment for Japanese people. Overall, I believe that eating more Japanese food can be beneficial for both the health and the cultural identity of Japanese people.

健康であるためにどのようなことをしているか, あるいは, したいか (90 words)

Maintaining good health is essential for living a long and happy life. There are many things that people can do to stay healthy, including:

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Getting regular exercise, which can help to maintain a healthy weight and improve overall physical fitness.
Getting enough sleep to allow the body to rest and recover from daily activities.
Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which can have negative effects on the body.
Managing stress through activities such as meditation, yoga, or other relaxation techniques.
Regularly visiting a doctor for check-ups and medical screenings to detect and prevent potential health issues.
Overall, maintaining good health is a combination of making healthy lifestyle choices and taking care of one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By following these tips, individuals can improve their overall health and enjoy a better quality of life.

学生が「ギャップイヤー」を送る国がある(ギャップイヤーとは高校と大学の間で1年のインターバル[休み]をおくというもの)。ギャップイヤーをとれるとしたらどんなふうに1年を過ごすか、それはなぜか( 英語 120 words)

If a student had the opportunity to take a gap year between high school and college, they might choose to spend the year traveling and exploring new places. This could include going on long trips to other countries, volunteering abroad, or participating in cultural exchange programs.

Taking a gap year can be a great way for students to gain valuable life experiences and learn more about the world around them. It can also provide an opportunity for them to develop new skills and interests, and to grow as individuals.

One potential benefit of taking a gap year is that it can help students to become more independent and self-reliant. By traveling and living on their own, students can learn how to manage their own finances, make important decisions, and solve problems on their own.

In addition, a gap year can provide students with a chance to take a break from their studies and recharge their batteries. This can be particularly helpful for students who are feeling burnt out or overwhelmed by their academic workload.

Overall, taking a gap year can be a valuable and enriching experience for students, and can help them to become more well-rounded and prepared for college and the real world.

人の成功において, 能力と運どちらが重要だと思うか。運についての主張(英語120words)

In my opinion, both ability and luck play important roles in a person's success. While having a certain set of abilities or talents can certainly make it easier for someone to achieve their goals, it is often the case that successful people also have a healthy dose of good fortune on their side.

For example, a person who is highly skilled in a particular field may have the ability to excel in their chosen profession. However, they may also need to be in the right place at the right time in order to take advantage of opportunities that come their way. In this case, luck can be a key factor in their success.

Additionally, even the most talented and capable individuals can face challenges and obstacles that are beyond their control. In these situations, having a bit of good luck can make all the difference. For example, a person who is lucky enough to avoid a serious illness or injury may be able to continue pursuing their goals, even when others might have been forced to give up.

In conclusion, while ability is certainly an important factor in a person's success, luck can also play a significant role. Both factors can combine to help individuals achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

人の成功において, 能力と運どちらが重要だと思うか。能力についての主張(英語120words)

In my opinion, ability is the more important factor in a person's success. While luck can certainly play a role in helping someone achieve their goals, it is ultimately a person's abilities and talents that determine their level of success.

For example, a person who is highly skilled in a particular field is more likely to excel in their chosen profession than someone who lacks those skills. In this case, their ability is the key factor in their success.

Additionally, even the most talented individuals can face challenges and obstacles that are beyond their control. In these situations, having a strong set of abilities can help them to overcome these obstacles and continue pursuing their goals.

Furthermore, developing and honing one's abilities takes a significant amount of time and effort. It requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn and grow. In contrast, luck is something that cannot be controlled or influenced.

In conclusion, while luck may play a small role in a person's success, it is ultimately a person's abilities and talents that determine their level of success.

何かに打ち込んでいる知り合い(someone you know who has passion for something)について書け。その人がしていることその人から学んだことを説明しなさい。(12行 / 最低120words)

One of my friends has a passion for music. He spends a lot of his time practicing and performing with his band, and he is constantly learning and improving his skills as a musician.

From observing my friend and talking to him about his passion for music, I have learned a few things. First, I have seen how dedicated he is to his craft. He spends countless hours practicing and perfecting his skills, and he is always looking for ways to improve.

Second, I have learned the importance of having a passion and pursuing it with determination. My friend's dedication to his music has inspired me to find my own passion and to work hard to pursue it.

Third, I have learned the value of perseverance. Even when things get tough or he faces setbacks, my friend never gives up on his music. He keeps pushing forward and believes in himself, which is something I admire.

Overall, my friend's passion for music has taught me the importance of dedication, determination, and perseverance in pursuing one's goals.

One place I would like to visit in the future is Japan. I have always been fascinated by the country's rich culture and history, and I would love to see famous landmarks such as Mount Fuji and the temples of Kyoto.

In addition, I am interested in trying traditional Japanese foods and experiencing the unique blend of ancient and modern that characterizes Japanese society.

Another reason I would like to visit Japan is to learn more about the country's technology and innovation. Japan is known for its advanced technology and robotics, and I would like to see some of these innovations in person.

Overall, I think Japan is a fascinating and beautiful country that has a lot to offer, and I would love the opportunity to explore it someday.

これまで人生での印象的な経験は?そこから得たものは?(英語 10行)

One of the most memorable experiences of my life was when I studied abroad in France for a semester. It was my first time living in a foreign country, and I learned a lot about the culture and language of France.

I also had the opportunity to travel around Europe and visit many different countries and cities. This experience taught me the value of being open-minded and adaptable, as I had to learn to navigate new environments and cultures.

In addition, studying abroad also taught me the importance of independence and self-reliance. I had to manage my own finances and make important decisions on my own, which was a challenging but valuable experience.

Overall, studying abroad was a transformative experience that taught me a lot about myself and the world around me. It was a time of personal growth and discovery, and I am grateful for the lessons I learned during that time.


One of the most impactful experiences of my life was when I volunteered at a homeless shelter. I spent several months working with people who were struggling with homelessness and poverty, and it was a deeply humbling and eye-opening experience.

Working at the shelter taught me a lot about the challenges and struggles that many people face in their daily lives. I also learned the importance of compassion and empathy, and how a small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life.

Additionally, volunteering at the shelter also taught me the value of hard work and dedication. I had to work long hours and put in a lot of effort, but seeing the positive impact of my work made it all worth it.

Overall, volunteering at the homeless shelter was a rewarding and meaningful experience that taught me the importance of giving back and helping others. It was a time of personal growth and learning, and I am grateful for the lessons I learned during that time.


I have had the opportunity to meet and interact with people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives than my own. This has taught me a lot about the diversity of human experiences and perspectives.

For example, I have met people who grew up in different parts of the world and have had very different life experiences than my own. Learning about their culture and history has helped me to understand and appreciate the unique perspectives and perspectives that they bring to the world.

Additionally, I have also met people who have different political beliefs, religious beliefs, and personal values than my own. This has taught me the importance of listening and trying to understand others, even when we may not agree.

Overall, interacting with people who are different from myself has taught me the value of diversity and the importance of empathy and understanding. It has also helped me to grow as a person and to become more open-minded and accepting of others.


I believe that people can learn more from failure than from success. In my own life, I have found that the experiences that have taught me the most have often been the times when things did not go as planned.

For example, I remember when I failed a test in school that I had studied very hard for. I was devastated at the time, but looking back, I realize that the experience taught me the importance of studying more effectively and managing my time better.

Another example is when I applied for a job that I really wanted, but I didn't get the position. At first, I was disappointed, but I later realized that the experience taught me the value of networking and reaching out to people in my field.

Overall, I think that failure can be a valuable learning experience, as long as we are willing to take the time to reflect on what went wrong and learn from our mistakes. By doing this, we can grow and become better versions of ourselves.


One time I challenged myself by trying something new was when I decided to learn how to play the guitar. I had always been interested in music, but I had never played an instrument before.

At first, I found it difficult and frustrating. I had to learn how to hold the guitar and read music, and it took a lot of practice to get the hang of it. But over time, I started to make progress and I began to enjoy the process of learning and improving.

The experience taught me the value of persistence and perseverance. Even when I was struggling, I kept practicing and trying, and eventually, I was able to play some simple songs.

Additionally, learning to play the guitar also taught me the importance of taking risks and trying new things. I was nervous to start something new, but in the end, it was a rewarding and fulfilling experience.

Overall, challenging myself to learn something new was a valuable and rewarding experience. It taught me the importance of perseverance and the value of taking risks.



In my opinion, solo travel is better than group travel. When traveling alone, you have the freedom to make your own decisions and go at your own pace. You can explore new places and try new things without having to worry about anyone else's preferences or schedule.

Additionally, solo travel allows you to have a more authentic and immersive travel experience. You can connect with local people and learn more about the culture of the place you are visiting.

Furthermore, solo travel can also be a great opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. When you are on your own, you are forced to rely on your own resources and to make your own decisions. This can help you to develop your independence and self-confidence.

Overall, I think that solo travel is a rewarding and enriching experience that allows you to have a more authentic and fulfilling travel experience.



In my opinion, group travel is better than solo travel. When traveling with others, you have the opportunity to share experiences and make memories together. You can also learn from each other and gain new perspectives on the places you are visiting.

Additionally, group travel can be more economical than traveling alone. By sharing expenses such as transportation and accommodation, you can save money and stretch your budget further.

Furthermore, traveling with others can also provide a sense of security and support. When you are in a group, you have someone to turn to if you need help or have any problems. This can be especially important when you are in a foreign country and may not be familiar with the local culture and customs.

Overall, I think that group travel is a fun and rewarding way to see the world and to make new friends. It allows you to have a rich and diverse travel experience, and to share it with others.

オンライン教育の利点と欠点を挙げる(英語200 words)

Online education has many benefits and drawbacks. Some of the advantages of online education include flexibility, accessibility, and affordability. Online classes can be taken from anywhere, at any time, and students can often work at their own pace. This allows students who have busy schedules or who live in remote areas to access educational opportunities that might otherwise be unavailable to them. In addition, online classes are often more affordable than traditional on-campus classes.

However, online education also has some drawbacks. One of the main challenges of online learning is the lack of in-person interaction with instructors and classmates. This can make it difficult for students to ask questions or get help when they need it, and it can also make it harder to form study groups or collaborate on projects. In addition, online classes can be less structured than traditional classes, which can make it harder for some students to stay motivated and on track.

Overall, online education has both benefits and drawbacks. While it can provide access to educational opportunities that might otherwise be unavailable, it also has its challenges. Students who are considering taking online classes should carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

文理選択の是非 (60文字英語)

The decision to pursue a liberal arts or a science and math-based education can be a difficult one. Both paths have their advantages and disadvantages, and the right choice will depend on a student's individual interests and goals. In general, a liberal arts education can provide a well-rounded and broad-based education, while a science and math-based education can provide more specialized and practical skills. Ultimately, the choice between the two should be based on a student's individual strengths, interests, and career aspirations.


The increasing number of elderly people in Japanese society is causing a number of challenges and problems. As the population ages, there are concerns about the sustainability of the country's social welfare and healthcare systems, as well as the ability of elderly people to continue living independently. In addition, there is a growing need for support and assistance for elderly people, including access to healthcare, housing, and transportation. These issues are becoming increasingly important as Japan's population continues to age.


If men and women were able to choose their careers without being influenced by gender bias, one of the main advantages would be that people would be able to pursue their passions and interests without being held back by stereotypes or discrimination. This would allow individuals to maximize their potential and contribute their unique talents and abilities to the workforce. It would also lead to a more diverse and balanced workforce, which would benefit both individuals and society as a whole.

絵文字のおかげで電子通信の促進に役立つ一方で, 音声としての言語技術がダメになるかもしれないという意見もあるが, これについての意見を述べよ。80文字の英語で。

While emoji have certainly helped to promote electronic communication, there is also concern that they may be contributing to the decline of language skills. By relying heavily on visual symbols to convey emotions and meaning, people may be losing the ability to express themselves effectively in writing or speech. This could have negative consequences for education, professional communication, and personal relationships. It is important for individuals to strike a balance between using emoji and developing their language skills.

他者と一緒にworkした経験例を挙げ, そういったgroup workのbenefitsとdifficultiesについて論じなさい。(120文字の英語で)

One of the benefits of group work is that it allows individuals to pool their knowledge, skills, and resources in order to achieve a common goal. This can be especially effective in a professional setting, where a team of people with different expertise can work together to solve complex problems or tackle large projects.

However, group work can also be challenging, as it requires individuals to communicate, coordinate, and compromise with one another. This can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, and differing opinions, which can make it difficult to achieve consensus and move forward.

Overall, the benefits of group work include increased productivity, shared knowledge, and the ability to tackle complex tasks. However, it also requires effective communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution in order to be successful.

他国の人々に採用してほしい日本の慣習について述べ, 他国の人々がどのようなbenefitをうけることができるか述べなさい。120文字の英語。

One Japanese custom that I think people in other countries would benefit from adopting is the practice of wearing surgical masks in public when they are feeling unwell. In Japan, it is common for people to wear masks when they have a cold or flu in order to prevent the spread of germs and protect others from getting sick.

This practice has several benefits. Firstly, it can help to reduce the spread of illness, which is especially important in places with high population density or during times of outbreak. Secondly, it can also help to prevent people from feeling anxious or uncomfortable when they are around someone who is sick.

Overall, I think that the practice of wearing surgical masks in public is a valuable and considerate way to protect others from illness. I believe that people in other countries would benefit from adopting this custom.

誤りや失敗は新しいことを学ぶチャンスを与えてくれる。英語100語で, 経験したことのある忘れられない誤りまたは失敗について述べ, そこから学んだことをとその影響[効果]を詳しく説明せよ

One mistake or failure that I will never forget happened when I was preparing for an important exam. I spent a lot of time studying and reviewing the material, but on the day of the test, I realized that I had missed a crucial piece of information. I was devastated and felt like I had failed myself.

However, looking back, I realize that the experience taught me a valuable lesson. I learned the importance of paying attention to details and double-checking my work. I also learned the value of resilience and perseverance, as I was able to bounce back from the mistake and continue studying for the exam.

In the end, I was able to pass the exam and achieve my goal. I believe that the mistake I made was a crucial learning experience that helped me to grow and become a better student. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from my mistakes and to use them as a source of motivation and growth.

三世代家族(a three generation family)と核家族(a nuclear family)を比べて,三世代家族の方が好ましいと感じています。三世代家族と核家族のどちらが好ましいと考えるか,あなた自身の意見を英語160語程度の英文で述べなさい。

In my opinion, a three-generation family is superior to a nuclear family. A three-generation family is one in which grandparents, parents, and children live together under one roof. This arrangement has many benefits, including a stronger support system, intergenerational connections, and shared responsibilities.

One of the main advantages of a three-generation family is that it provides a strong support system for all members. Grandparents can provide guidance, wisdom, and emotional support to their children and grandchildren. At the same time, parents can rely on the help and support of their parents when it comes to raising children and managing household responsibilities. This can be especially helpful for working parents who may not have the time or resources to do everything on their own.

Additionally, living in a three-generation family can also foster intergenerational connections and understanding. When different generations live together, they have the opportunity to learn from one another and to share experiences and knowledge. This can help to build stronger bonds and create a more cohesive and supportive family unit.

Finally, a three-generation family can also help to share responsibilities and reduce the burden on individual members. For example, grandparents can help with childcare, cooking, and other household tasks, which can make life easier for parents and allow them to focus on their careers and other responsibilities.

Overall, I believe that a three-generation family is a superior arrangement to a nuclear family. It provides a stronger support system, fosters intergenerational connections, and helps to share responsibilities and reduce the burden on individual members.


Classroom organization by ability can be a useful way to tailor instruction to individual students, but it can also create inequality and lead to the stigmatization of certain groups of students. This approach may be appropriate in some cases, but it should be carefully considered and implemented in order to avoid negative consequences.


It is difficult to predict exactly what inventions will become obsolete in the next 10 years, but it is likely that some technologies will become outdated or replaced by newer innovations. For example, physical books and newspapers may become less common as more people turn to digital sources for information. Similarly, traditional forms of communication such as phone calls and letters may be replaced by instant messaging and other forms of online communication. As technology continues to evolve, it is important to be open to change and adapt to new developments.


There are many jobs that may be made obsolete by advances in science and technology. For example, as automation becomes more widespread, jobs that involve repetitive tasks such as assembly line work may be replaced by machines. Additionally, the increasing use of artificial intelligence in fields such as finance and customer service may lead to the displacement of human workers. As technology continues to evolve, it is important for workers to be adaptable and willing to learn new skills in order to stay relevant in the job market.


Convenience stores, such as 7-Eleven and Lawson, are a popular and convenient option for many people. These stores are often open late, offer a wide variety of products, and are easily accessible. They are especially convenient for people who need to buy items quickly or who do not have time to go to a larger store. However, convenience stores can also have some disadvantages. For example, their products are often more expensive than those found at larger supermarkets. Additionally, they may not have as wide of a selection, so people who are looking for specific products or brands may not be able to find them at a convenience store. Overall, convenience stores can be a convenient option for people who need to buy items quickly, but they may not be the best choice for those who are looking for the lowest prices or the widest selection.


Japanese and Western people often have different approaches to explaining and justifying their actions and decisions. Japanese people tend to be more indirect and may not directly state their reasons or intentions, whereas Western people may be more direct and explicit in their explanations. Additionally, Japanese people may place more emphasis on group harmony and avoiding conflict, whereas Western people may prioritize individual autonomy and open communication. These cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication, so it is important for people from different backgrounds to be aware of and consider these differences when communicating with each other.


Some students prefer to study alone, while others prefer to study in groups. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches.

One advantage of studying alone is that it allows the student to focus and concentrate without distractions. This can be especially beneficial for students who are easily distracted or who have trouble staying focused. Additionally, studying alone allows the student to work at their own pace and to take breaks when needed without disrupting others.

On the other hand, studying in groups can be beneficial because it allows students to learn from and collaborate with each other. Group study can provide a sense of accountability and motivation, as students are more likely to stay on track and complete their work when they are working with others. Additionally, studying in groups can help students to develop important skills such as communication, collaboration, and problem-solving.

Ultimately, the best approach to studying will depend on the individual student and their learning style. Some students may prefer to study alone, while others may find that studying in groups is more effective for them. It is important for students to try different approaches and to find the method that works best for them.


Bullying is a serious problem in Japanese schools. There are several steps that students and teachers can take to help stop bullying in schools.

First, students who are being bullied should speak up and seek help. They can talk to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, counselor, or parent, and explain what is happening. This will allow the adult to take action and provide support. Students who witness bullying should also speak up and report what they have seen to an adult. By speaking out, students can help to stop bullying and create a safer environment for everyone.

Second, teachers can play a key role in preventing and addressing bullying in schools. They can create a safe and inclusive classroom environment where all students feel welcome and respected. Teachers can also educate students about bullying and its effects, and encourage them to be kind and supportive of one another. Additionally, teachers can establish clear rules and consequences for bullying behavior, and intervene promptly and effectively when bullying occurs.

By speaking up and taking action, students and teachers can help to stop bullying and create a positive and supportive school community.

外国人訪問者が日本で1日だけ時間を費やす。その人が行くべきだと思う都市を一つ(one city)挙げなさい。(理由2つ)(英語150語程度) 

One city that a foreign visitor to Japan should consider visiting is Kyoto. There are several reasons why Kyoto is a great destination for a one-day trip.

First, Kyoto is rich in cultural and historical attractions. The city was the former capital of Japan and is home to many important temples, shrines, and other cultural sites. Visitors can explore the ancient streets of the Gion district, visit the iconic Kinkakuji Temple, or take a stroll through the beautiful Arashiyama bamboo forest. These attractions provide a unique and fascinating glimpse into Japan's past and cultural heritage.

Second, Kyoto is also known for its delicious food. The city is home to many traditional Japanese dishes, such as kaiseki ryori, a multi-course meal that incorporates seasonal ingredients and flavors. Additionally, visitors can try local specialties such as yudofu (boiled tofu) and obanzai (home-style cooking), or indulge in some of the city's famous sweets, such as matcha green tea ice cream and yatsuhashi (sweet bean paste wrapped in a thin dough).

Overall, Kyoto is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Japanese culture and history, and offers a wealth of interesting sights and delicious culinary experiences.

海外留学プログラムで成功するのに生徒が持つべき重要なスキルを2つ(理由(specific reasons))(200語)

There are several important skills that students should have in order to succeed in a study abroad program.

First, language proficiency is an essential skill for students who are studying abroad. Being able to communicate effectively in the local language will allow students to more easily navigate daily life, make new friends, and understand lectures and course materials. Additionally, being able to speak the local language can help students to better immerse themselves in the local culture and gain a deeper understanding of the country and its people.

Second, adaptability and flexibility are also important skills for students studying abroad. Studying in a foreign country can be challenging, and students will need to be able to adapt to new environments and situations. This may involve dealing with cultural differences, unexpected challenges, and unfamiliar ways of doing things. Students who are able to adapt and be flexible will be better able to navigate these challenges and make the most of their study abroad experience.

Overall, language proficiency and adaptability are crucial skills for students who want to succeed in a study abroad program. These skills will help them to better communicate, navigate daily life, and make the most of their time abroad.

日本の英語教育システムを一つ変えることができるなら, 何を変える?(理由2つ)(150語)

If I could change one thing about Japan's English education system, I would focus on improving the quality of teaching. There are several reasons why this is important.

First, students in Japan often struggle with English, and many are not able to communicate effectively in the language. This is in part because the quality of English teaching in Japanese schools is often poor. Many teachers lack proficiency in English, and may be unable to provide students with the support and guidance they need to improve their language skills. By improving the quality of teaching, we can help students to better understand and learn English, and to develop the skills they need to communicate effectively.

Second, improving the quality of English teaching can also help to foster a more positive attitude towards the language among students. Many Japanese students view English as difficult and uninteresting, and may be reluctant to study it. However, if students are taught by teachers who are passionate about the language and who can make learning English fun and engaging, they are more likely to develop a positive attitude towards it. This can help to motivate students to study English and to make more progress in their language skills.

Overall, improving the quality of English teaching is an important step towards improving the effectiveness of Japan's English education system. By focusing on the quality of teaching, we can help students to better understand and learn English, and to develop a positive attitude towards the language.


The growth of social media, such as video sharing sites and social networking sites, can have both positive and negative effects on the quality of life for individuals.

On the positive side, social media can help people to connect and communicate with others, even over long distances. This can help to foster a sense of community and support, and can make it easier for people to stay in touch with friends and family. Additionally, social media can provide access to a wealth of information and entertainment, allowing people to learn new things and be entertained from the comfort of their own homes.

However, there are also negative aspects to the growth of social media. For example, excessive use of social media can lead to addiction, and can interfere with people's ability to engage in face-to-face communication and real-life social interactions. Additionally, social media can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying and other forms of online harassment, which can have serious negative effects on people's mental health and well-being.

Overall, the growth of social media can have both positive and negative effects on the quality of life for individuals. It is important for people to use social media responsibly and in moderation in order to maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks.

カジノ導入に賛成か反対か?(英語120 words)

The issue of introducing casinos to Japan is a contentious one. There are arguments both for and against the introduction of casinos in the country.

Those who support the introduction of casinos argue that it would be a valuable source of revenue for the government and could help to boost the economy. Casinos can generate significant income through tourism, employment, and taxes, and could provide a valuable source of funding for various projects and initiatives. Additionally, supporters argue that casinos can provide entertainment and leisure opportunities for people, and can help to attract foreign visitors to Japan.

However, there are also valid arguments against the introduction of casinos in Japan. Some people argue that casinos can contribute to problem gambling, which can have negative effects on individuals and their families. Additionally, casinos can attract crime and other negative elements, and can lead to social and economic problems in the areas where they are located.

Overall, the decision to introduce casinos to Japan is a complex one, and there are valid arguments on both sides. It is important for all stakeholders to carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks before making a decision.



The person I hold dear is compassionate and understanding. They have a strong sense of empathy and are able to connect with others on a deep level. They are also intelligent and hardworking, always striving to learn and grow. Overall, I consider this person to be a truly valuable individual who brings positivity and joy to those around them.


I believe that e-sports should be recognized as a club activity in middle and high schools. One reason is that e-sports can promote teamwork and communication skills among students. Additionally, participating in e-sports can help students develop strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities. These skills are valuable for both personal and professional growth. On the other hand, some may argue that e-sports is not a physical activity and does not provide the same health benefits as traditional sports. However, I believe that the benefits of e-sports outweigh this concern.


A typical problem for high school students is feeling disconnected from their peers and struggling to fit in. To solve this problem, students could try joining clubs or organizations that align with their interests and values. This can help them find like-minded individuals and form meaningful connections. Another solution is to reach out to classmates and make an effort to get to know them better. This can help students feel more connected and supported at school.


My future career goal is to become a lawyer. To achieve this goal, I need to complete law school and pass the bar exam in order to become licensed to practice law. This is important because being a lawyer requires specialized knowledge and skills, as well as the ability to navigate the legal system and advocate for clients. It is a challenging but rewarding profession that can make a positive difference in people's lives.


My future career goal is to become a writer. To achieve this goal, I need to hone my writing skills and develop a unique voice and style. This is important because being a writer requires creativity, discipline, and the ability to effectively communicate ideas and emotions through words. It is a fulfilling and challenging career that allows me to express myself and connect with others through the written word.



We can help prevent climate change by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. This can include using renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, instead of fossil fuels. We can also help by conserving energy and water, and by reducing our consumption of products that contribute to climate change, such as single-use plastics. Finally, we can support organizations and policies that promote sustainability and combat climate change.


Today's youth will have a significant impact on the world in many ways. They will be responsible for addressing global challenges such as climate change and inequality. They will also shape the future of technology and innovation, and drive economic growth. Additionally, the perspectives and values of young people will influence social and cultural developments around the world. As a result, it is important for young people to be engaged and involved in shaping the future.

A: 起業するならどんな会社を起業するか?(仮定法)(英語100文字)


If I were to start a business, I would start a company that provides innovative solutions to real-world problems. The company would be focused on creating products or services that make a positive impact on people's lives and the world. I believe that by combining creative thinking and hard work, we can achieve success and make a difference in the world.



I think the biggest change that technology has brought to our lives is the way we communicate and connect with others. With the rise of the internet and social media, it is now easier than ever for people to connect and communicate with each other, regardless of their location. This has had a profound impact on how we form and maintain relationships, as well as how we access and share information.


 In general, however, part-time work can be beneficial for students because it can provide them with valuable work experience, help them develop new skills, and provide them with additional income. On the other hand, some people may view it as a negative trend if it becomes too common, as it could potentially lead to a situation where students are unable to focus on their studies due to the demands of their part-time jobs. It is also possible that some students may be forced to take on part-time work in order to cover their living expenses, which could be a cause for concern. Overall, the trend in part-time work among university students in Japan is likely to be complex and multifaceted, and it is difficult to say whether it is good or bad without more information.

We received your inquiry about returning the Smoothie Blender. We are sorry that the product was not satisfactory. Once the item is returned, we will give you a refund for the full purchase price.

Thank you for inquiring about our water sprinkler system. This product releases only the amount of water that is needed. It also supplies water to the areas that need it most.

All applications and résumés will be reviewed by our personnel director. If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted by her. At that time, she will set up an appointment to meet with you.

I am writing to notify you that I am resigning from my position at Corbine Shipping. My last day at the company will be June 30.

A spokesperson for Northam Bearings has confirmed that the company will relocate its headquarters. After this move, the bearing maker's senior management will be closer to its manufacturing operations.

Follow these instructions to clean your Mini-Max coffee maker. First, take the machine apart and wipe each component with a damp cloth. Then, dry them thoroughly. We recommend using a paper towel to do so.

Please accept the enclosed voucher for five percent off your next flight ticket with Sunark Airways. It is our way of thanking you for choosing our airline for your recent travels.

Approximately 400 consumers rated our new cookies. The oatmeal raisin cookie was rated the highest for taste. The peanut butter type was also rated highly. These results indicate that both should do well on the market.

The Belleview Neighborhood Association will hold a craft fair on Saturday, September 9. It will take place at the Community Center on George Street. Over fifty vendors from Belleview will be selling their crafts at the event.

Thank you for staying at the Coco Bay Resort on February 5 and 6. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us and hope to see you again!

A training session for company accountants has been scheduled for January 14. Diane Miller, our computer technician, will instruct the accounting staff on how to use the new accounting software.


I recently purchased a briefcase online from Bizzshop.com. After I received the item, I found that its buckle is broken. Additionally, there is some damage to the leather on one side of the briefcase.

Thank you, ProWay Electronics! The product demonstrations outside your store last weekend were really good. I especially liked the Hedge-Wiz Trimmer. In fact, I was so impressed with it that I bought one. My hedges now look better than ever!

Himalaya Holidays offers the best tour packages in Nepal. Experience adventure as well as our rich culture across the region. For example, you can go hiking in the mountains and also see the country's oldest temples.

Due to sidewalk construction, employees will not be able to use the main entrance tomorrow. Instead, please use the building's back entrance. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Altaso Beach clean-up was started twenty-five years ago by a group of local residents. Since then, it has grown to include many employees working for businesses in the area.

The staff picnic scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed. It will be held next Saturday instead. We hope to see you then.

Kyle Carson will lead a photography workshop at the Suffolk Library on May 2. During the class, he will explain how to take great pictures and show his own beautiful photos. He will also answer questions.

The conference room is for business purposes only. No one should eat lunch there. Please use the break room at the end of the hallway for that purpose.

This message is for all staff. You may have noticed the yellow box next to the office door. That is for submitting suggestions. Sheets of paper are on top of it. If you have any ideas for improving our workplace environment, please write them down and place the sheet in the box.

New Middleton Gallery Photography Exhibition

The Middleton Gallery will soon hold a special exhibition of photographs from the nineteenth century. The collection, entitled Eyes on Frontiers, will consist of photos by Victor Russell. The subjects in his pictures are ordinary people.
The exhibition will be open to the public for six weeks. It will start on March 23 and run until May 4. Tickets are available now. For more information, please visit the gallery Web site at www.middletongallery.org.

October 18
Dear Mr. Walker:
Thank you for taking the time to show me your laboratories on October 15. I found the tour very informative. Your employees, who were able to provide detailed answers to all my questions, were very helpful. I enjoyed seeing how they use Techto products.
As promised, I am enclosing a copy of our most recent catalog. If you wish to discuss any of our new equipment, I would be delighted to visit your facility again.
Cynthia McAdams

For over twenty-two years, Millbrook Contractors exclusively served the city of Sacramento. Now our service area has grown to include both San Francisco and San Jose.

This means that more people who want high quality roofing can take advantage of our extensive experience and expertise.
Visit our Web site at www.millcont.com to see photos of our recent projects. You can also read reviews from some of our clients and find a complete list of our services.


Notice for Tenants of Chestnut Hills

With summer approaching, many of you will be using your balconies more often. So that Chestnut Hills remains attractive, all tenants are required to keep their balconies tidy.

As a reminder, your balcony cannot be used as storage space. Please do not leave empty boxes or garbage cans there, as they make the building look bad. In addition, barbecue grills are not allowed on any balconies.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Anna Kinney
Building Manager

Second Captain Seafood to Open in Sydney

SYDNEY, 3 August-Alvin Carlson, the owner of Captain Seafood, has announced his plan to open a second location of this popular restaurant. The new establishment will be on Watson Street in the business district.

The restaurant will seat around 150 people. It will serve many of the same dishes offered at the downtown location as well as some original menu items. According to Mr. Carlson, Captain Seafood provides the ideal dining experience for anyone who likes a relaxed, fun place to eat.

January 29

Dear Ms. Tyler:

Thank you for applying for a position at Keralla Chemical. After reviewing your résumé, we are pleased to invite you to an interview.

You will be meeting with Wayne Thomson, our personnel manager. He would like you to come to our head office on February 8. The interview is scheduled to start at 10:20 A.M. and will last approximately forty minutes.
If the date or time is inconvenient, please call me at 555-0199 to arrange another appointment.
We look forward to meeting you.
Jeff Wallace
Vice President
Keralla Chemical

CHICAGO, November 12-The soft drink company Swashbucklers announced yesterday that it will relocate its Springdale plant to Elmer City later this year.
lan Caldwell, the president of Swashbucklers, said, "The new location will be much larger, which will allow us to increase our production capacity. We will also be closer to our main supplier. As a result, our freight expenses will be lower."
Swashbucklers is best known for its line of sports drinks. Its products are sold in more than forty countries, and it has been expanding into new markets in recent years.

Dear Ms. Owens,
We were sorry to learn from your e-mail that the curtains you received from Integra Textiles had been damaged during delivery. Replacements are being sent to your address. These should arrive within ten days.
Despite the care we take to protect our products with packaging, some items occasionally get damaged during shipping. Nevertheless, we will make a stronger effort to ensure that our products are safely delivered.
Thank you for alerting us to the problem, and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Bill Harrison
Customer Service Integra Textiles



Brenda Turner, Executive Assistant


November 15

Subject: Headquarters Parking

At Westletech headquarters, there have always been enough parking spaces for employees. However, our workforce is growing. As a result, there are more people coming to work by car. And at times, finding an available parking spot can be difficult.
To address this issue, we will expand the parking lot to accommodate an additional 100 vehicles. Construction will begin on November 22 and continue until the end of this month. While the work is underway, employees can park in the garage across the street.
Thank you for your cooperation.




Rick Harmon


April 23

Subject: Community Picnic

Dear Rosalie,

Thank you for agreeing to volunteer at the annual community picnic. During the event, you will assist with food preparation. We would like you to help clean up afterward as well.

Although several members of the community have offered to help, we are in need of additional volunteers. If you know someone who is interested in getting involved, please encourage them to contact me.
Note that in the event of bad weather, the picnic will be postponed. An alternative date will be announced in May.
Thanks again!

Instructions for Packing a Guitar
First, completely cover the instrument with bubble wrap. Second, place it upright in a box. Finally, fill the spaces in the box with balls of newspaper. Make sure the guitar is packed tightly. This will prevent it from moving around.
Remember that the instrument should not be shipped on any of its sides. Show the upright position of the package by drawing arrows on. it. Also, ask a post office clerk to put a “Fragile" sticker on the box. The sticker will help to ensure the guitar is handled with care.

Dear members,
This is to inform you that our March 21 meeting at the town hall has been cancelled. The water pipes under the building require replacement. As a result, the meeting room cannot be used at this time.

Our next meeting will take place sometime in April. Once it has been scheduled, I will send an e-mail notifying you of the date and time. You will also receive an agenda. It will be similar to the one for the March 21 meeting.
I look forward to seeing you next month.
Best regards,
Carol Bennett
GHS President

At Tiptop Fitness, we want you to try our club for free. Without paying a cent, enjoy complimentary fitness classes and our exercise equipment for seven days. At the end of the trial, you can either sign up for a membership or walk away with no obligation. The choice will be up to you.
To qualify for this offer, you must be a local resident. Club members, including trial members, must be eighteen years of age or older. Photo identification showing a current address will be required at the time of sign-up.
Come and discover why our club is your best choice for fitness!

June 15

Dear Mr. Benton:

I am writing to request an extension to my lease of the retail space at 64 Corwin Road. It is set to expire on August 20. I would like to continue the lease for another two years.
My store is doing very well at this location. In fact, I plan to open another gift shop just like it later this year. It will be on the other side of the city. According to your Web site, you have properties available in that area. I would like to hear more about them when I sign the extension agreement at your leasing office.
Janine Decker
Fairytale Gifts

Calgary, May 9-Scientists in Alberta have discovered bones that are 80 million years old. They are from a plant-eating dinosaur that was bigger than two school buses. According to Paul Kasey, who found the bones, the discovery is very exciting.
"No one else has ever seen the bones of this dinosaur," he said. "So, it hasn't been named yet. We'll do that soon. But before we decide what to call it, we have to finish digging up the bones."
Mr. Kasey and his colleagues will closely examine the skeleton. They hope their research will reveal more about this mysterious dinosaur.

Annual Safety Training-May 13 and 14
At Kanwel Corporation, employee safety is our top priority. Workers are thoroughly trained to operate machinery. Also, management continually raises awareness of safety issues. Consequently, we hold refresher training every spring to update the staff on safety procedures. This year, all employees will attend a workshop on either May 13 or 14. The session will last three hours. To find out which one you will be taking, please check your work schedule.

Thank you, Rafael's Catering! We hired your service for an office party. There were at least eighty people there. Everyone loved your delicious food. Without a doubt, we could not have chosen a better caterer.
We were also impressed by your creativity. You could have provided us with boring, everyday dishes. But everything you served was unique and exciting. The staff members who looked after all of us were outstanding, too. If we need a caterer again, we will definitely call Rafael's.
Jarrod McKay

Deepsol Hardwood Protector

Before applying Deepsol, your floor should be very clean. We therefore recommend both sweeping and mopping. After that, you can use the product. Pour some of the liquid onto a cloth. Then rub it over the floor surface. Make sure to spread it evenly. Repeat this process once. For the best results, wait five minutes between the applications. When you are finished, do not walk on the floor until it is dry.

CarCare Rentals Now in Pensola

We are pleased to announce the opening of our new car rental center at Pensola Airport. The center is conveniently located next to the main terminal. It offers a wide range of vehicles. This means that tourists and business travelers can now choose from plenty of options.
Owing to increased demand for our service, the CarCare network is expanding across North America. By the end of this year, we plan to open more branches. CarCare Rentals will continue to provide an excellent car rental experience, and we thank our customers for their support.

Dear Mr. Mooney,

On behalf of the Maritime Museum, I want to thank you for your generous donation. Contributions such as yours not only help keep the museum running but also pay for new exhibits. In addition, they support our educational programs for children.
As a donor, you will receive invitations to special museum events. You will also be sent our monthly newsletter, Nautical Talk. The latest edition is enclosed. On page 3, there is a list of our upcoming events. We hope you can attend them.
Yours sincerely,
Shannon Weisberg Director, Maritime Museum



Vivian Miller



October 23

Subject: Electronics Expo

Newire Enterprises will attend the Electronics Expo. The event will be held in Hanoi from February 16 to 18. Electronics makers from around the world will be there. We will join them to showcase our company's latest appliances.
Our salespeople know a lot about Newire products. However, they sometimes need help answering technical questions during product demonstrations. Therefore, four members of the R&D department will accompany the sales team to the expo. Anyone who has been involved in the development of our appliances can go. Please contact me if you are interested.
Best regards,
Vivian Miller, CMO
Newire Enterprises

To: All staff

We are proud to announce that Eric Gidley has been promoted to branch manager of our Darwin office. Eric has worked at Appinnov for eleven years. Throughout that period, he has excelled in customer service.
In his new role, Eric will supervise a staff of twenty-six people. He will also oversee all branch operations. This will include planning events. Another responsibility will be to ensure customer satisfaction.
Eric will start his new role on July 1. Please join us in congratulating him.
Sarah Lawrence, Personnel Director Appinnov Solutions

Library Renovation Approved

The Davenport Public Library will soon get a new look. On Thursday, Mayor Sandy Whitaker announced that her office received a proposal to renovate the building. After careful consideration, the city council unanimously approved that plan. The vote took place on Wednesday.
The refurbishment will cost £85,000. This will include 1the purchase of new computers and audio-visual equipment for meeting rooms. The lobby will also be redesigned. However, neither the layout nor the size of the library will change. The dates for the renovation will be announced next month.

Dear Ms. Jones,

Thank you for meeting with me to discuss the marketing position. You have many of the qualities we are looking for, and we would like you to attend a second interview.
Amira Davis, who manages our marketing department, will conduct the interview. It will last approximately one hour. Will you be available to meet with her on September If so, please let me know as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Justin Ridley
Human Resources
Laheed Manufacturing




You are invited to Wilson Associates' 3rd Annual Company Outdoor Social. The event will be held on June 12 from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm at the Baker Sports Complex. Please consider donating items that can be used during the sporting activities. This donation can be for croquet, badminton, lawn bowling, or similar activities. In addition to competitions, delicious food will be served throughout the afternoon. All food will be provided by Tambara catering. If you have any special dietary needs, please let the director know so that we can accommodate them. We look forward to seeing you on June 12.

Dr. Charles Somerville
1785 Taylor Avenue Allentown, PA 18102
This is just a reminder that your next teeth cleaning is scheduled for Friday, May 11 at 8:30 AM. If you are unable to arrive for your appointment, please call the office during regular office hours until 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 9. Our office can be reached at 555-0119, Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please note that the office will be closed on Monday, May 28, in observance of a holiday.

Greengage Conference Center
Located just 40 minutes from the Charlotte airport, Greengage Conference Center is the perfect place to host your next corporate event. Surrounded by beautiful rolling hills and forests, the conference center offers a dedicated and peaceful training venue. We offer conference facilities and meeting rooms equipped with everything you need for multimedia presentations. We also have a business center with a comprehensive suite of office productivity software, free wireless Internet access, two restaurants, and banquet facilities.
To speak with one of our professional event representatives, please call 704-555-0175. They are ready to assist you in all aspects of event planning.

florangea seedlings.
1 kilogram bag of potting soil.
Pots for florangea.
Gardening gloves (benefit of customer points).

Discount details: Today only, when you buy florangea, you get florangea pots at half price. These hand-painted pots are specially made to encourage the growth of your flowers.
Payment: cash.
Employee name and number: Caroline Hsu 72.

Timko's tips for florangea care.

The florangea is a charming indoor plant that will provide years of enjoyment. To ensure that your florangea stays healthy and continues to bloom throughout the year, the following are recommended
Ceramic pots work best and are the only pots we use at Timko's.
Water the plants regularly. Be sure to use a watering can that can reach the soil. Do not get the leaves or flowers wet. It will cause them to turn brown. For best results, use room temperature water. florangea should never be exposed to temperatures lower than 15°C (59°F). Do not place it where it could be harmed by cold air.
Plants should only be exposed to indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause the leaves to grow upward instead of outward.

14. what did Ms. LeBlanc receive for free?
(A) A seedling of florangea
(B) Potting soil
(C) gardening gloves
(D) A guidebook on plants
15. what is not mentioned about the pot purchased by Mr. LeBlanc?
(A) It is tall and thin.
(B) It is made of porcelain.
(C) It was hand painted.
(D) sold at a discount.
16. what is shown about florangea?
(A) It needs careful care to bloom.
(B) It flowers only once a year.
(C) It grows faster when planted outdoors.
(D) it can be eaten in salads.
17. according to the directions, how can the owner prevent the plant from turning brown?
(A) By keeping the plants warm.
(B) By using a special kind of soil.
(C) by not watering them cold.
(D) by keeping the leaves dry.
18. according to the directions, why should florangea be placed in indirect sunlight?
(A) To prevent it from growing too large for its pot.
(B) To maintain the proper level of soil humidity.
(C) To allow the leaves to spread outward.
(D) To protect the roots from damage.

Maria Soto (10:15 AM)
I received an article today from contributor Eloise Cairns. It's for the September issue of "The Fall Garden". It needs some work.
Timothy Bleecker (10:16 AM)
Did you attach the file to your e-mail? I don't think I received it. Can you resend it to me?
Maria Soto (10:17 AM)
She sent it this morning. A copy of that email was sent to you.
Clarence Johnson (10:17 AM)
I was just looking at it. At 1,300 words, it's very long. I guess I need to cut it down.
Timothy Bleecker (10:18 AM)
Thanks, I found it. Yeah, I found it.
Maria Soto (10:19 AM)
The first draft of that article was too short, so I asked Ms. Cairns to add more details to the text, including her seasonal seeding schedule. She is an expert in the field of home gardening and has written several books on the subject.
Clarence Johnson (10:20 AM)
I listen to her weekly radio show. She is very knowledgeable.
Maria Soto (10:20 AM)
It will be a feature article in the September issue, so the length is fine, but it needs some tweaking. Clarence, I need you to work on this manuscript. I need you to organize the content so that the article flows better.
Clarence Johnson (10:21 AM)
Sure. I just finished an article on maple trees in Vermont. I just finished an article on maple trees in Vermont, so I can get right to it.
Maria Soto (10:22 AM)
Good, I'll send that article to Timothy for proofreading when it's ready. When you are ready, send the article to Timothy for proofreading. I would like to have both of those processes completed by 2pm tomorrow. If it is in good shape, we should be able to send it to the layout department by the end of the week.


8. what type of work do you think the writers are doing?

(a) flower store

(B) a monthly magazine

(C) Travel agency

(D) bookstores

9. at 10:18 a.m., what did Mr. Bleecker say he found?

(A) a copy of her itinerary

(B) a book about trees

(C) A product catalog

(D) an e-mail attachment

10. what do you think is true about Ms. Cairns?

(A) She is the editor of a magazine.

(B) He is writing his first book.

(C) He is working at a radio station.

(D) He is the manager of a gardening store.

11. at 10:21 a.m., when Ms. Johnson writes "Of course," what does she suggest?

What does Johnson suggest when he writes "Of course" at 10:21 a.m.?

(A) He is eager to start work.

(B) willing to make phone calls.

(C) agrees that the project is a difficult one.

(D) knows that Mr. Cairns will do a good job.


The long-awaited sequel is here.
(June 2) The long-awaited sequel to David Mendoza's bestseller "Waking Up" has finally arrived. The book depicts the ups and downs of a young man's life as he moved from one job to another: dockworker, fisherman, hotel receptionist, tennis instructor, and more.

Advertising Lessons" is a continuation of the previous film and begins with Mendoza's arrival in New York City. It depicts his rise from a postal worker to the president of the advertising agency M&D Creative. The book is written in the humorous, unpretentious style that has guided Mendoza's advertising success over the years, revealing client case studies and how he creates his most successful ads. The book is currently available online and in bookstores nationwide.

Book Introduction

Book Review Life Lessons in Advertising

Julia Turnbull 2

Considering that it took David Mendoza 20 years to write his second work, "Advertising Studies," the last impression left with the reader is that he has forgotten how to edit his work. Whereas his previous work was very interesting, this sequel is composed of monotonous and convoluted sentences that make it tedious to read. Although he is a heavyweight in the advertising industry, his anecdotes about the advertising industry are far less engaging than the stories in the previous work, which seem to leap off the page. For example, there is nothing to compare to the extremely lucid descriptions in the previous book, such as her unconventional behavior and unexpected adventures as a receptionist at a hotel in northern Montana. It is a book that does not need to be read.




The closest in meaning to picks up on the first line of the second paragraph of the article is

(A) become better

(B) faster

(C) begins again

(D) lifts

13. what is shown about Waking Up?

(A) It was published 20 years ago.

(B) It was made into a movie.

(C) contains a photograph.

(D) is out of print.

14. what does the review tell you about mendoza's time as a hotel receptionist?

(A) He experienced some remarkable events.

(B) He traveled throughout the state of Montana.

(C) met several advertising executives.

(D) wrote a story every night.

15. on what points do Mr. Mendoza and Mr. Turnbull disagree?

(A) Mr. Mendoza's competence as an advertising executive

(B) Mr. Mendoza's attitude toward reading for pleasure

(C) the reason why Waking Up is so well received

(D) the quality of the writing in Life Lessons in Advertising

What does Ms. Mendoza suggest in the interview transcript?

(A) He is looking for a new publisher.

(B) He recently bought a new fishing boat.

(C) I learned the most from my job as a tennis instructor. (D) I may change my profession again.


Show this coupon to receive one free admission.

Blue River Fitness Center

Valid for first-time visitors only.

Guests must be at least 18 years of age or accompanied by an adult. Guests must tour the facility and attend an information session with staff to learn about membership options.

Guests must tour the facility and attend an information session with staff to learn about membership options.

Valid only during limited hours of operation:

Tuesday through Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Blue River has long been Detroit's premier fitness center, helping members of all ages and interests to improve their health. Whether you are a beginner looking to start a fitness routine or a fitness expert seeking a new challenge, Blue River can help you achieve your goals.

Here at Cabot Steel Company, we believe that a job applicant's work history is just as important as their education.
Buses leave tomorrow at exactly 8:00 a.m., so trip participants must be on time.
This week only, if you spend $200, your order qualifies for free next-day delivery.


Valid for first-time visitors only.
Guests must be at least 18 years of age or accompanied by an adult.
Guests must tour the facility and attend an information session with staff to learn about membership options.
The guest must tour the facility and attend an information session with staff to learn about membership options.
Valid during limited hours only.
Tuesday through Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Blue River has long been Detroit's premier fitness center, helping members of all ages and interests to improve their health. Whether you are a beginner looking to start a fitness routine or a fitness expert seeking a new challenge, Blue River can help you achieve your goals.


Valid for first-time visitors only.
Must be 18 years of age or older or accompanied by an adult.
Must attend a tour of the facility and orientation session with staff to review membership rules and regulations.
Valid during limited hours only.
Tuesdays through Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Blue River has long been Detroit's premier fitness center, helping members of all ages and interests improve their health. Whether you are a beginner looking to get into fitness or a fitness expert seeking a new challenge, Blue River can help you achieve your goals.


What can you tell us about Blue River Fitness Center?

(a) It does not allow guests under the age of 18.

(B) It serves members of all skill levels.

(C) has recently opened a new location.

(D) sells fitness equipment and clothing.


Show your ticket for one free admission.
Blue River Fitness Center
Valid for first-time visitors only.
Guests must be at least 18 years old or accompanied by an adult.
Guests must attend a staff orientation session to tour the facility and learn about membership options.

Valid only during limited hours of operation:
Valid during limited hours: Tuesday through Thursday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Blue River has long been Detroit's premier fitness center, helping members of all ages and interests to improve their health. Whether you are a beginner looking to start a fitness routine or a fitness expert seeking a new challenge, Blue River can help you achieve your goals.

What can you tell me about the Blue River Fitness Center?
(A) It does not allow guests under the age of 18.
(B) It serves members of all skill levels.
(C) It recently opened a new location.
(D) it sells fitness equipment and clothing.


Alicia Gonzalez (2:17 PM)

Hi guys. My shift at the restaurant starts at 4:00 but I have a flat tire on my car and

I took it to the repair store.

I have to take it to the repair shop. Can anyone work in my place? I can switch shifts another day.

Jason Krauss (2:20 PM)

I might be able to fill in for you, but I can't get to the restaurant until 4:30. I am still in Abington for a medical appointment. If you could call Maki and let him know that I will be arriving a little late, he might be able to help.

I will gladly take your shift.

Lily Chow (2:35 p.m.)

Sorry Alicia, I have tickets to the basketball game tonight. Hope you can find someone to take your shift.

Alicia Gonzalez (2:37 PM)

I don't know if it's ok to start my shift late. He made it very clear at the last employee meeting that all shifts must be covered at exactly the same time.

Jason Krauss (2:38 PM)

I wish I could help. I will call Maki and see if someone who is already on duty can stay longer.

who is already on duty, to see if he can stay longer?

Michael Whitmore (2:40 PM)

I'm on break at work right now. I'm supposed to leave at 3:30, but I have another hour left before Jason arrives.

I'm supposed to leave at 3:30, but I can stay another hour until Jason arrives. That way, my shift will still be covered.

Jason Krauss (2:42 PM)

That works for me. I think Maki will let me do that, Alicia ?

Alicia Gonzalez (2:50 PM)

I just called. Maki is fine with it. I really appreciate everyone's help.

Jason Krauss (3:15 PM)

You're welcome. See you later, Michael.


9. Where do you think the writers work?

(a) Restaurants

(B) sporting goods store

(C) Medical center

(D) auto repair shop

10. what is considered correct for all writers?

(A) We will gather for dinner this evening.

(B) We have the same boss.

(C) We drive to work together.

(D) like to attend sporting events.

11. at 2:50 p.m., when Mr. Gonzalez writes "Mr. Maki's fine with it," what is intended?

(A) He will take her shift for her.

(B) He can drive her to the appointment.

(C) He has approved the rescheduling.

(D) he must pay a fine.

12. who will be later tonight than originally scheduled?

(A) Mr. Gonzalez

(B) Mr. Krauss

(C) Mr. Chow

(D) Mr. Whitmore


Chocolate makers rush to the exhibition hall

BERLIN (August 15) The International Food Expo began earlier this week, and it quickly became clear which pavilions were drawing the most interest from visitors during the week-long event. Since the opening, the pavilion featuring Brazilian chocolate maker Amo-Te has been overflowing with enthusiastic visitors. We didn't expect it to be so popular," said Andreas Gomes, the company's marketing director. He arrived at the expo just in time to see the company's skilled confectioners explain the chocolate-making process to an eager crowd. We attracted so many visitors that we had to fly in five more employees from our headquarters in Brazil to staff the busy exhibit area.

A limited number of Amo-Te's former famous confections, which are no longer distributed by Amo-Te to retailers, were available for sale. Exposition Limited

Available exclusively at the expo is a once-popular bar made with dried fruit and covered in dark chocolate. The company has reproduced this nostalgic favorite in traditional, retro-style wrapping paper. We were confident that the nostalgic appeal to chocolate lovers would be welcomed," Gomes said, "but we never expected this kind of success.


Amo-Te's Exposition Sweets

While at this year's International Food Expo, rest your weary feet in the Amo-Te Café's exhibit hall and enjoy delicious desserts based on Amo-Te products.

In addition, please visit our store at the rear of the pavilion to purchase some of Amo-Te's timeless favorites at great prices. You will find our entire product line, including our very famous Carpatho line of dried fruits and dark chocolates. Stock up on our current best sellers: nutty Nascana, coffee-flavored Vienesa, or spicy Tallinnska. You will also have the opportunity to sample our new Malayna, a sweet, coconut-scented confection that will be available in retail stores early next year.


Amo-Te's Exposition Sweets

While at this year's International Food Expo, rest your weary feet in the Amo-Te Café's exhibit hall and enjoy delicious desserts based on Amo-Te products.

In addition, please visit our store at the rear of the pavilion to purchase some of Amo-Te's timeless favorites at great prices. You will find our entire product line, including our very famous Carpatho line of dried fruits and dark chocolates. Stock up on our current best sellers: nutty Nascana, coffee-flavored Vienesa, or spicy Tallinnska. You will also have the opportunity to sample our new Malayna, a sweet treat with a hint of coconut that will be available in retail stores early next year!


According to the article, what action did Mr. Gomes have to take?

(A) Keep the exhibition hall open longer.

(B) Raise the prices of the best-selling items.

(C) bring additional employees to the event.

(D) ship additional samples to employees at the expo.


What is shown about Malayna?
(A) It contains many different kinds of nuts.

(B) It is not yet available in stores.
(C) It has been selling well in recent months.
(D) It is a traditional Brazilian snack.

Questions 6-7 relate to the following online chat discussion.

Cassia Cunha [10:22 AM].

Hi Thomas, Our partners in Germany are arriving tomorrow and I was wondering if someone could greet them in German. Would you be available?

Thomas Dolezych [10:24 am].

Sure, but when I was over there last spring, they all spoke English to me.

Cassia Cunha [10:25 AM].

Yes, they do speak English, but I think it would be a nice gesture to welcome them in their own language.

Thomas Dolezych [10:26 AM].

That's very true. Let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to pass on to them.

Cassia Cunha [10:27 AM].

I will. Check your email in an hour or so.

According to the online chat discussion, what is correct about Ms. Dolezych?
(A) He is Ms. Cunha's boss.
(B) He is an experienced translator.
(C) He regularly travels to other countries.
(D) He has already met the partners he plans to visit.
What do you think Mr. Dolezych means when he writes "No question about it" at 10:26 a.m.?

A) He is confident that he speaks German.

B) He does not intend to ask the visitor any questions.

C)The visitor will appreciate the warm welcome.

D) The visitor should understand Ms. Cunha's e-mail.


Airfares are not expected to change immediately, Accord spokeswoman Amina Odoyo said, "This will be the first aspect of the merger." However, she hastened to add that customers who have already booked tickets "should have no problem. Tickets already purchased on either airline will remain available," she said.

Flight attendants and pilots from both airlines are pleased with the deal. Pilot Shiv Parida, who has been with Accord for six years, said, "I hope we can fly to Nairobi; I've been flying the same route for about four years," adding, "Expanding into a new region will help Accord grow and give me more opportunities. I have always wanted to visit Africa.


Hotel Review

Garnett Guest House

Apart from the website, we loved everything about this hotel. It was absolutely impossible to book our stay online. We tried to book a room, but the site kept shutting down. We almost gave up, but decided to call the hotel and they were able to make the arrangements we wanted. The owner was very helpful and gave us directions to her hotel. She also told us that she had just signed up for a service to improve the hotel's website. I hope all goes well.

Anna and Mark on July 11

How can I book this hotel? The hotel website is very difficult to use and all rooms are "available

The hotel website is very difficult to use and says that all rooms are "not available". I feel there is something wrong with the site because I am trying to stay there in December.

August 3, Meiying



How your hotel can benefit from Reserva

Your hotel is no longer just renting rooms. Reserva can help you improve the customer experience.

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Reserva will show you your hotel's facilities in great detail. High quality photos of your facilities on your website will make it clear what makes your hotel stand out from the competition.

Reserva will allow you to book rooms directly from your site.

Potential guests will leave your site if they cannot book a room on their own.

Reserva offers four different plans Plan A is for skilled hoteliers who do not require programming assistance. Plan B is for subscribers who want the convenience of our update tools. Plan C is for managers of multiple properties. Plan D is a month-to-month subscription with unlimited programming support. To learn more about our plans or to purchase any of them, please go to the appropriate tab on this web page


Rebecca Landis, 2 lbs.

The hospitality industry is a multi-million dollar, highly competitive industry that relies on effective and efficient ways for consumers to access and book hotel websites. We are often consulted by hotels that are losing business to competing establishments with better websites.

"We are often approached by hotels that are losing business to competitors with better websites," said Dmitri Kellerman, developer of Reserva." We have many hospitality industry software .

Many hospitality software development companies offer web design services, but then they need to help hoteliers stay competitive.

They want to enable hoteliers to program their own applications to stay competitive. This is a challenge for most smaller hotels.

This is beyond the skills of most small business owners.

Francine Malloy agrees completely. It is a great relief to finally find a solution to our website problems, and Reserva's software is very easy to use and understand. Additionally, with the help of the tools provided, we were able to update the information on our site ourselves. Our clients, especially repeat customers, are very impressed with our new website. Everyone involved is very satisfied. With the first bookings coming in within 24 hours of implementation and online reservations arriving quickly, we have more than paid for the improvements in just 10 days.

Applicants for the dental assistant position must hold a valid New York State license.
If orders are received at the current pace throughout the summer, Turramurra Kaban will hit its sales target a month early.
Although the electronic publishing division lost money last year, Gwangmyeong Publishing expects the division to be profitable this year.
Payments postmarked after the due date are subject to a late fee of 5 percent of the total amount due.


Present this coupon to receive one free admission.
Blue River Fitness Center
Valid for first-time visitors only.
Guests must be at least 18 years old or accompanied by an adult.
Guests must tour the facility and attend a staff orientation session to learn about membership options.
Valid only during limited hours of operation:
Tuesday through Thursday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Blue River has long been Detroit's premier fitness center, helping members of all ages and interests to improve their health. Whether you are a beginner looking to start a fitness routine or a fitness expert seeking a new challenge, Blue River can help you achieve your goals.

6. What must a visitor do to use a guest use ticket?
(A) Present identification.
(B) Take a fitness test.
(C) Meet with a representative.
(D) Fill out the survey form. 7.
When can I use my ticket?
(A) Monday
(B) Wednesday
(C) Friday
(D) Sunday
8. What can I learn about the Blue River Fitness Center?

(A) It does not allow guests under the age of 18.
(B) It serves members of all skill levels.
(C) It recently opened a new location.
(D) it sells fitness equipment and clothing.


Alicia Gonzalez (2:17 PM)

Hello everyone, I have a flat tire on my car and need to take it to the repair shop. My shift at the restaurant starts at 4:00, but my car has a flat tire and I have to take it to the repair store. Can anyone work in my place? I can switch shifts another day.

Jason Krauss (2:20 PM)

I might be able to fill in for you, but I won't be able to get to the restaurant until 4:30. I am still in Abington for a medical appointment. If you could call Maki and let him know that I will be arriving a little late, he might be able to help.

I would be happy to take your shift.

Lily Chow (2:35 p.m.)

Sorry Alicia, I have tickets to the basketball game tonight. Hope you can find someone to take your shift.

Alicia Gonzalez (2:37 PM)

I don't know if it's ok to start my shift late. He made it very clear at the last employee meeting that all shifts must be covered at exactly the same time.

Jason Krauss (2:38 PM)

I wish I could help. I will call Maki and see if someone who is already on duty can stay longer.

who is already on duty, to see if they can stay longer?

Michael Whitmore (2:40 PM)

I'm on break at work right now. I am supposed to leave at 3:30, but I can stay another hour until Jason arrives. That way my shift will still be covered.

Jason Krauss (2:42 PM)

That works for me. I think Maki will let me do that, Alicia ?

Alicia Gonzalez (2:50 PM)

I just called. Maki is fine with it. I really appreciate everyone's help.

Jason Krauss (3:15 PM)

You're welcome. See you later, Michael.


Chocolate makers rush to the exhibition hall

BERLIN (August 15) The International Food Expo began earlier this week, and it quickly became clear which pavilions were drawing the most interest from visitors during the week-long event. Since the opening, the pavilion featuring the Brazilian chocolate maker Amo-Te has been overflowing with enthusiastic visitors. We didn't expect it to be so popular," said Andreas Gomes, the company's marketing director. He arrived at the expo just in time to see the company's skilled confectioners explain the chocolate-making process to an eager crowd. We attracted so many visitors that we had to fly in five more employees from our headquarters in Brazil to staff the busy exhibit area.

A limited number of Amo-Te's former confections, which are no longer distributed by Amo-Te to retailers, are now available in limited quantities. Available only at the expo are the once-popular bars made with dried fruit and covered in dark chocolate. The company has reproduced this nostalgic favorite in traditional, retro-style wrapping paper.

We were confident that the nostalgic appeal to chocolate lovers would be welcomed," says Gomes.

But we did not expect this kind of success at all.


International Food Expo

Schedule of Major Events

Welcome to the largest expo of its kind, featuring products from around the world. All pavilions will be open daily throughout the week from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. In addition, please note the following special events

In addition, please take note of the following special events

August 10

Opening Ceremony

There will be an official welcome address by the Exposition's Executive Director and Mayor at noon in the Main Hall.

August 12

Demonstration in the Exhibition Hall

Companies will show you how their unique products are made.

August 15

Concert Day

From noon to midnight there will be a variety of world music and entertainment.

August 16

Awards Ceremony

Awards will be presented to the best new products in various fields.

The awards ceremony will be followed by a party in the main hall.


Amo-Te's sweets for the exposition

While at this year's International Food Expo, rest your weary feet in the Amo-Te Café's exhibit hall and enjoy delicious desserts based on Amo-Te products.

In addition, please visit our store at the rear of the pavilion to purchase some of the timeless Amo-Te favorites at great prices. You will find our entire product line, including our very famous Carpatho line of dried fruits and dark chocolates. Shop our current best-selling products such as nutty Nascana, coffee-flavored Vienesa, or spicy Tallinnska in bulk. You will also have the opportunity to sample our new Malayna, a sweet, coconut-scented treat that will be available in retail stores early next year.


Corvo Graphic Designs, Inc. will help create a fitting logo for our newly formed company.
Soto received an award for his contributions to the Information Technology team throughout the past year.
Until the phone system is repaired, callers may experience delays of 10 minutes or more.
Plumville Library is proud to announce the launch of its just-created website.
Before boarding an aircraft, passengers must present their boarding passes to the boarding gate agent.



Have you seen my keys? Oh, no, not again. It seems like you lose your keys every day. Don't get angry just helped me find them. Where did you put them? If I knew that they wouldn't be lost, would they? Well, I don't know where you put them. Did you look behind the television? Yes, I did. They're not there. Did you put them next to the bed? No, I looked there. Did you look around the kitchen? Yes, I looked everywhere. I just can't find them. Did you look inside your pockets?Oh, here they are. Thank you


Good afternoon. How are you today? I'm not very well. I feel sick and I couldn't sleep last night. When did you start to feel bad? I was fine until after dinner. What did you eat for dinner? I ate in a Chinese restaurant. Did you eat any fish? Yes, I did. I had fish with vegetables and rice, vegetables and rice should be okay. But perhaps there was something wrong with the fish. I'll give you something to make you feel better. Can I go home tonight? You should stay home today and drink as much water as you can. If you don't feel better tomorrow, come back and see me again. And don't eat any fish. I understand. Thank you very much.


What do you think about going to the Grand Canyon for summer vacation this year? Could we really? I'd love to. I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon. Me too. I think I can take off two weeks in July. We could drive to Arizona. That would be great. I'd like to stop in Phoenix and visit my aunt and uncle. I'm sure they'd be happy to see you. It's been a long time since he visited them. And when we get to the Grand Canyon, we do ride horses and go camping. Good idea. I'll buy a tent next weekend. I'll call my aunt and uncle to tell them we're coming. This will be wonderful.


Can you give me anything for my head? It hurts. Did you hit your head on something? No, it just hurts. Do you have a cold? No, I'm fine. I never catch colds. Did you eat enough today? Yes. I had a big lunch two hours ago. And I ate breakfast this morning. Did you drink too much last night? No. I never drink. I had dinner and went to bed early. Just a minute. Me I see your head please. My hat. Why do you want to see my hat? I've just had an idea. Okay, here's my hat. Now how do you feel? Oh, I feel a little better. Do you mean? Yes. I think your hat is too small. It was making your head hurt.


Today will be your first day at your new school. I know Mom, are you ready? Have you done everything you need to do? Yes, mom. I bought you new school shirts and pants and I washed her clothes and put them in your room. Thanks mom. I bought three pens, two pencils or notebooks or dictionary some tape your textbooks your basketball and umbrella, a juice bottle and a sandwich in your school bag. Great mom. I cleaned your bicycle. Will you meet your classmate Tom and ride to school together? Yes, mom. I called Tom's mother to make sure he can come to dinner at our house so you can do your homework together. Thanks, Mom. Is there anything else you need to do to get ready mom? There's nothing left for me to do. You did everything.


I think I need a new hobby. I've been making paper dolls for a long time, but I'm getting tired of them. Why don't you try some kind of sport? No, I don't really like to move around. I saw something in the newspaper about wine. You can study how to taste wine. There will be a class every Tuesday evening at a college in town. That sounds like fun. I really like wine. If I can get good at it. We can have wine parties. Good idea. You know I like cheese, wine and cheese tastes very good together. And doing homework will be fun. We can practice every night. I'm glad you decided to get a new hobby. Where's the newspaper? I'll call the college right away. I hope I can get into that class.


I have to buy a new car. The old one is no good. It makes too much noise and smells bad. You're right. You had that old car for about 10 years. It's time to get a new one. I think I'll get a small red sports car watch. sports cars are fast and pretty, but they don't have much space in them. And they're not cheap. I know we aren't rich, but I'm tired of having a big car. It's difficult to drive. And I'm not a good driver. I know you're not a good driver. But sports cars have so much power. It could be dangerous for you. You may be right. I'll think about it some more. I don't have to decide tonight. buying a new car is a big thing. You should be careful. I will.


I'm getting really sleepy. So turn off the television and go to bed. But I really want to see the show. I've been waiting all week to see it. But in a videotape and you can watch the show tomorrow. Tomorrow. I have to work late.

I'll be too tired to watch it and watch it the day after tomorrow. But I'll have forgotten the first part of the show by then. I don't think you'll forget. It's a simple story. A policeman is looking for a bad man with a gun. He shot to catch him. These stories are all the same. They're not all the same. This show is popular because it's different from other shows. Oh, don't be such a baby go to bed. Not really. It's different. In the show. The policeman is looking for a horse with a knife.


Why did you take my big blue umbrella this morning? It was raining and I couldn't find mine. I have asked you many times not to take my umbrella. I brought it home again and put it back. Yes but we have so many umbrellas when you have to take mine. Why does it matter? An umbrella is an umbrella. It doesn't matter to you but it does matter to me. That's my best umbrella and I wanted to use it today. The other ones are too small. I went on my way to work. Would it be better if I got wet? That's not the point. That umbrella is mine. You should have asked me before you took it when you said yes. I don't know. But I think we should have a rule about this. My things are mine and your things are yours. We should ask each other before we take things Okay, that's a good idea. You're wearing my green shirt. Why don't you ask me before you put it on?


It's close again in November. Have you thought about what I want for Christmas? I need some things for school like white pens, notebooks and a bigger school bag. why do you need a bigger bag? I bought you a big one in September. I have to carry so many books and I need special gloves for basketball practice. Okay, we'll get to a bigger bag. I don't want anything fun. I'd really like to take piano lessons. I think that would make a very nice Christmas present. What do you have for Christmas? Well, I know you always have homework to do that. I get very busy with work sometimes. I would really like you tell me more at home, I have an idea. I'll make you some tickets, they will say, today I will do the wash or, today I will do the shopping. You can use them when you get busy. Just give me a ticket, and a promise I will help you. You are a clever girl.


sure I can sit alone for a long time. If you can actually talk to someone. Great. Where are you going? I'm going to New York. Oh, me too. Do you live in New York? No. I'm going to visit a friend. She lives in Manhattan.

I've never been there. I once lived in New York, and I moved away four years ago. My husband changed his job. So we had to move. That might have been difficult. Well, at first, it was difficult. I didn't know anybody but now I have some new friends that a new job. What do you do? I plan parties, like birthday parties for children and special holiday parties. That sounds like fun. I enjoy it. I'd like to see children laughing and people smiling. When they're happy. I am happy. I'm going to New York to look for some special chocolate and cheese for party next week.I've heard that New York is a great place for shopping. Oh, yes. It isn't cheap. But there are many different kinds of stores. I think I'll go to Manhattan first. In that case, we could take a taxi together from the bus station.


Would you mind doing that? I'd be glad to. I can help you find a friend's house. That would be wonderful. Thank you so much. Well, do you remember Sally, my old friend from when I was a college? Sure. I remember you two have been writing letters for years. You're talking about her all the time. Right? Well, she moved to a farm outside town. You're here and you invited all of us to visit her next month, a farm that would be wonderful for the kids. And I'm sure you would be happy to see Sally again. Did she marry? Yes, she married a nice man from California about a year ago. His name is Alex. I'd like to meet him. Sally says she has cows sheep. Chickens, of course is a field full of potatoes and some apple trees. The kids would love it. They've never been to a farm. They could learn many things. They think milk comes from a box in the supermarket, not from a cow. I know the kids can see how Sally uses milk from the cows to make butter and cheese. She has fresh eggs from the chickens every day and she makes her own apple juice in September and October. Next month is October, right? That would be the best time to visit. It sounds like fun for everybody in the family. When I thought Sally was a city girl when she moved to a farm I was surprised to she used to love the city. She said she decided the city was too dirty and it was too much noise. Now she loves the country. Well, visiting her sounds like a wonderful idea. Let's go tell the kids 13 or 18 years ago, let's do something special for them. We could have a nice dinner for them. Good idea. What do you think they'd like to eat? I have a more important question. What do we know how to cook we better make something easy so we don't make any mistakes to make cheese salad is easy. Yes, it's easy and it tastes good. After the salad we need some kind of meat. How about this chicken? Yes, big chicken with spring vegetables. I love to get Donald's vegetables and we both love chocolate cake. I don't know it's kind of difficult to make. We buy one already made. Okay, let's make a list of things we need and then we go shopping. We need tomatoes, cheese, chicken vegetables and truffle cake like some flowers to me like that. You're right. This isn't like isn't far from here. If we hurry we get everything done for moms at home. Okay, let's go.


I've had my eye on this picture for a long time. What do you think? It looks nice on you? Do you like these green pants? Not really, to be honest. They make you look fat. Oh, that's not good.


I'll try a different pair. You should write a blue shirt. I think it would look it on you. I don't really like the color blue looks good on you. If not, I mean, I like green. Okay, trade is green shirt. I don't really want any more shirts. Well, you need a new business suit. Suits are fine. If you don't want to buy anything. Why did you come to the store with me? Because you asked me to come it wasn't my idea. I'll go wait for you in a coffee shop. Are you sure? Take your time. I'm not in a hurry. I'll go Bible to read while I wait. Okay, see you later. 15 Hello. Hi, Judy. How are you? I'm fine. Thanks for calling. I wanted to talk to you. Did you know Jack Armstrong's in hospital? No, I didn't know that. He suddenly got very sick in the hospital as my my sisters went to the hospital to call my sister Mrs. Toby. That's too bad. He's a nice man. I hope it'd be all right here my good friends. How is your husband up key fine. But last night, he was mean to me. I did a nice cake to eat dinner. It took me a long time. But he said it didn't taste good. That hurt my feelings and I wanted to cry. That's bad. Well, this morning he said he was sorry on Tuesday before we went to work, but sometimes I just want to kill him. I know what you see. Sometimes my brother's wife makes me very angry every time invite them to come here she buys Excuse me. I invited my brother and family to dinner Thursday but his wife said no. She just said no. She said the kids have too much homework bad unbeliever. Stop asking them. It always hurts my feelings when she says no. They're just not very nice. I thought guild American town last night she was a tall man with white hair. She goes out with a different and every weekend. She really likes to date different and I don't think I'll ever marry who would marry her. I'm sure she would have stayed home with her family even if it did marry and she spent all her free time shopping.


I don't have any free time for shopping. I'm too busy with my children. I have to go pick him up at school now. I don't have to talk to you soon. Goodbye. Chapter 216 Hello. I think I left my bag here last night. I see what does it look like? It's a big red bag with pink flowers on it.


Does it have a pencil and a notebook inside it? Yes. And is there a magazine in it? And some chocolate? Yes, yes. And is there a small calendar and $30 in it? Yes. That's the one. I'm sorry. We didn't find anything like that in this restaurant last night. But how did you know? I'm just joking. We have your bag right here. Oh, you surprise me. You were very lucky that nobody took it. You should be more careful. You are right. Thank you very much. You're welcome.


Hello, welcome to the Excelsior Hotel. How can I help you?

I'd like a room please. Would you like a big bed or a small one? A big one please. And I'd like a smoking room. I'm sorry. There are no smoking rooms in this hotel. You have to go outside to smoke. I understand. Is there a restaurant in the hotel? Yes, it's on the second floor. It has very good food. When is it open? You can have breakfast from seven to 11 o'clock. Lunch starts at 12 o'clock and ends at three o'clock. Dinner is from six o'clock until 10 o'clock. You can also have food in your room. Just call the kitchen. I see. Is there a bank and you're here? Yes. Go around the corner to the left. There's a bank in front of the bus stop. Great. Your room is on the third floor. Can someone bring my bags to my room? Sure. If you have any other questions, just call the desk. Thank you enjoy your stay. Between when Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan third wife died, she was very sad. She was very beautiful and he loved her very much. So he decided to build a Taj Mahal in her memory. The Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It is at Agra in India. And has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Like other Google buildings, different parts of it are Persian, Turkish Indian, and just like it was built about 350 years ago and has many buildings and gardens. The biggest building is round on top and has straight sides. There are four tall towers around it, each more than 40 meters tall, but different kinds of stone in the buildings came from all over India and other Asian countries. 20,000 people worked on the building and elephants helped with the building work. It took many years to finish all the buildings. The Taj Mahal is the most popular place for visitors in India. Many people visit from other countries too. But people of India are very proud of this beautiful place. 19 is this table okay for you? This is fine. Thank you. Please sit down. And I get you something to drink before you order. Yes, please. I'd like some iced tea and my wife will have a glass of white wine. Okay, I'll be right back. Here we go drinks. Are you ready to order? Yes. I'm not very hungry. I think I'll have soup and a salad. We have beef and vegetable soup tonight is very good. Great. I'll have that and a green salad. And what would you like? Is the fish good today? Oh yes. It's fresh and delicious. You can have it cooked in butter or baked. Baked please. Would you like a potato or red? Red please? And I'll have a small salad to how about something sweet after dinner. We have fruit or cake. I think I'd like some fruit and I'll have the cake. Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes but your salads 20 Do you know where the City Art Museum is? Yes. Go out the front door and turn left walk about 100 meters to the subway. Take the blue train to 20th Street in New Zealand. Isn't your West Gate station? No, no, no. That will take a long time. The number 12 bus that stops in front of the hotel goes to the museum. That would be faster. No there are too many cars on the street at this time of day. The subway is Buster but if you take the bus you don't have to walk through but the subway is quicker. No you're wrong. A bus is quicker. Please don't get angry. I think I will just get a taxi








deep in the tunnels of the London Underground, as in many subway systems around the world, it's so hot it feels like hell. And yet in a basement only a few meters away, a boiler is firing to heat water for someone's shower.


rather than stewing in our excess heat. What if we could make it work for us? There is no shortage of waste heat after all, throughout our energy system from electricity generation in a power plant to boiling a kettle, using boilers to warm houses to powering a car, more than 50% of the energy we use leaks into the surroundings as wasted heat recapturing it wouldn't just benefit our wallets. It would reverse some of the damaging effects that waste heat from our towns and cities is having on the climate. The good news is that several cities have found a way to hunt down their waste heat in some unexpected places. The cities are building systems that deliver heat in much the same way that networks handle electricity and water could they point the way to the next energy revolution. waste heat is an enormous problem. A report in 2008 by the US Department of Energy found that the energy lost as heat each year by US industry is equal to the annual energy use of 5 million Americans. Power Generation is a major culprit the heat loss from that sector alone is in considerable excess of the total energy use of Japan. The situation in other industrialized countries isn't much better. The report also estimated that given the right technologies, we could reclaim nearly half of that energy, but that's easier said than done. We often talk about the quantity of waste heat says David McKay, Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, but not the quality. Most of what we think of as waste heat isn't actually all that hot. About 60% is below 230 degrees Celsius. While that may sound pretty hot, it is too cold to turn a turbine to generate electricity the alternative is to just move the heat directly to where it is needed. That is what cogeneration plants do. These are power plants that capture some or all of their waste heat and send it as steam or hot water through a network of pipes to nearby cities. Their buildings tap into the network to warm their water supplies. Or air for central heating. Many countries are encouraging cogeneration a US cogeneration initiative, for example, might save the country $10 billion a year. And cogeneration allows power plants to bump up their efficiencies from 30% to almost 90%. Yet waste heat from power plants is just a drop in the ocean compared with the heat loss from our homes, offices, road vehicles and trains. waste heat from these numerous sources is much more difficult to harnessed than the waste heat from single concentrated sources like power plants, because it leaks out slowly. What's more, it is barely warm enough to earn its theme. reclaiming that is much trickier. As it happens. There is a technology that can siphon energy from slightly warm temperatures and we have long had access to it. Ground source heat pumps have been helping homeowners save on heating bills since the 1940s when US inventor Robert Weber realized he could invert the refrigeration process to extract heat from the ground. The system takes advantage of the fact that the ground is a terrible conductor of heat. In temperate regions regardless of surface temperature. A few meters on the ground, the soil always remains around 10 degrees Celsius. Ground source heat pumps can tap into that stable temperature to heat a house in the winter. The mechanism is simple. A network of pipes makes a circuit between the inside of the home and a coil buried underground. These pipes contain a mix of water and fluid refrigerant. As the fluid mixture travels through the pipes buried underground. It absorbs the heat from that 10 degrees Celsius soil. While this is not what you might consider hot, it nonetheless causes the refrigerant in the fluid to evaporate into a gas. When this gas circulates back into the house, it is fed through a compressor which vastly intensifies the heat. That heat can then be used by heat exchanger to warm up your hot water or air ducts. This mechanism is powerful enough to efficiently provide heat even in places as cold as Norway and Alaska. It is also cheap. In the UK, the best systems lowered heating bills by 30% Because compressing a gas to heat your home requires far less energy than traditional gas or electric methods of heating.